Weaning off pain relief!?

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  • 39 subscribers

Hi all

I can’t believe I’m saying it, but thank goodness I’m 2 months post end of treatment, yahoo!!

I won’t go over how tough it’s been, I know you all know, blimey we’re a tough lot!!

However, I’m now at a stage where now I’m feeling a little better, I’d like to be able to drive again……it’s rather lonely living alone, and all the visitors have dwindled off.  I’m currently taking 10mg of slow release ‘Oxycodone’ both morning and night ie 20mg in total a day.  I reduced this with the agreement of my team on Saturday, from 30mg a day.  The nurse suggested I go with 20mg for a week and see how get on, then reduce to maybe 15mg for a week and so on.    Has anyone else gone through this, how long did it take to come off the ‘controlled’ meds……I’m so very desperate to drive again

Deborah x

  • Yes, it’s on my list as soon as I can drive, a McFlurry…..I’ve always preferred that style, bonus Thumbsup tone1

    I wonder how many quit alcohol as a result, I know I haven’t missed it, certainly nothing like as much as food, I dream of ‘enjoying’ food again Joy

    I certainly don’t need anything else to put me to sleep…….sleeping well is something I’d really like to hang to!?

  • Hi Deborah

    Wasn't a big drinker but I don't touch alcohol at all now....I enjoy Guinness Alcohol Free with meals and do enjoy trying all the various alcohol free ales available...Innis and Gunn Lager is one I have tried and found very palatable .... like to find the ones with the most calories.... and that I can actually taste.


  • Hi Peter

    Interesting, I thought as much, why would you?

    Someone just told me about the alcohol free Guinness, I have been known to enjoy a pint or two, shall have to give it a try!?  I wasn’t a big drinker either, so can take or leave anything else, but you’re right, makes sense to go down the alcohol free route Thumbsup tone1

  • I wonder how many quit alcohol as a result

    Not me. I do enjoy a decent craft ale and stan and I make it a prerequisite when booking sites for the camper that there is a decent pub nearby. Spirits? Absolutely not. 
    Oncologist told me that having the odd beer isn’t going to cause another cancer but regular spirits might. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Wow, that’s good to know!!

  • does that include the odd cocktail ie ol' fashioned, or mainly neat spirits?

    Loz (61)

    Oropharyngeal right tongue base T2N2bM0 squamous cell carcinoma p16 positive.. 

  • Hi Cake Lover. You’re doing great. I also fretted the exercise bit and building up to what I was.  

    I discovered Huel Black edition formula. High in protein and filling. I exchanged the Ensure for that and it was a game changer. My stomach settled, I became more regular and able to maintain my daily calories. I love being able to drink my calories,  I started my day with 20g mixed with my oats. Then a drink lunchtime. I’m only doing the breakfast shake now as I’m eating 3 meals a day (6 months post treatment). 

    fatigue is minimal now but it still kicks butt when I don’t need it 

  • Loz. Thats your decision. I have the odd G&T but that’s not nearly neat. I wouldn’t risk bathing my throat in high alcohol booze. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Eg am I silly imagining I might be able to walk on average 15 miles a day, for 5 days from 23rd September (I am a good walker normally!!)  Right now, it seems a touch too much??

    it may be asking too much atm.  My team keep telling to stop pushing myself.  It comes back to bite me.   

    I'm a bit further along - last treatment 12th January.  I built up the walking. By May I was doing  5 to 6 miles. Came home and napped. Then a month later 7 miles and last week 9 but that’s not every day. You’ll get back to it but please listen to your body. The time goes by so fast and before you know it, you’ll be back to your regular 40 miles a week. I have a stepper which I use most days for several miles. Our summer has been rubbish in Scotland so not as much walking or biking as before 

  • Hi DesRoss

    That’s helpful, thank you!!  I’ve heard of the Huel drinks, I’ll check them out.

    What do you think about my attempting 15 miles a day for 5 days, last week in September!?  Right now 5 is doable, but I don’t want to set back my recovery and wonder whether I should just pull out!

    How did you do with pain relief?  I knocked my Oxycodone down last night, from 10 to 5mg (slow release), didn’t sleep well at all.  Still doing 10 in the day for a further week…..thinking this will help with eating.  Not sure how much I need them for pain relief now, as much as addiction?  I so want to drive again