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Hi again

my husband is three weeks post treatment and still feeling so very tired...Im wondering how long others were tired for? Thanks x

  • You’re welcome. 
    Ive just eaten this 

    Life will get better 

    Hazel x

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress.com  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

  • Hi, I also thought 2 weeks after treatment would be the peak of tiredness etc. so I should be feeling bit better after that.

    However. . .it took probably about 7 months  before I got my energy back and felt able to tackle activities again.

    It would have been helpful to know, and for the emphasis on two weeks to be considerably less.

    Its great now though, so it does get better, it just takes some of us a little longer.

  • Don’t try and rush.   It doesn’t work.  Slowly slowly. Xx

  • I think it’s the false assumption we make that we will get better in a few weeks. 
    I don’t know why some consultants don’t make it absolutely clear. Perhaps in the light of how awful the treatment is there is a sense of over egging the recovery pudding to give us more hope. 
    In this day and age when we can so easily be properly informed it seems a tad patronising. 
    Thank heavens there are peer support groups like this one ( and many others) 

    Once we are armed with real facts it’s much easier to deal with. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • I am 8 months post chemradiotherapy treatment.  I have to do EVERYTHING in the morning becausev3 in the afternoon I am truly pleased.  Everything hurts and I can't move for a while. Everybody says iSmiley your body telling you to stop it needs to heal. I go to a cancer support group here in Eastbourne. Every single person there some clear of cancer for years all speak about these days where you hit Smileywall. Just happens, it's horrible but my Macmillan nurse says it can be years rather than months.  I just stop and sit down until I can get up!!!!  You have to Smiley    x

  • Hi. I’m 15 months post treatment & even though the fatigue lessoned from about 6 months I still need a nap some days to get through the day. This week for example I had my son’s graduation on Tues & yesterday & today have felt drained & needed a nap in the afternoons. It’s ‘boom & bust’ according to my consultant. . 

  • I didn't have much tiredness after 3 months or so - though I did need a nap after walking up a small mountain in Scotland!  Within 6 months after treatment I did a walking holiday in Greece and was fine.  Everyone's experience is different but if your husband is already doing without naps it sounds as though he's well on the road to recovery!

    Best wishes to you both


    September 2022 aged 63 diagnosed with HPV associated SCC base of tongue T4 N2 M0. Chemo & radiotherapy for 6 weeks ending Nov 2022.  Dec 2023 one year all clear. See my profile for longer story

  • Hi Chicadee16

    You asked if I was exhausted every day for 3 months. The fatigue lessened bit by bit but initially yes I was exhausted. I would find it tiring just to have a shower and would have to work myself up to it. I tried to go out with my husband a bit but would often end up hanging onto his arm and him practically pulling me around the shops. We went on a weekend holiday which was a breakthrough and I managed to walk to the beach but he had to really drag me back to the cabin. I would do bits and pieces in the morning but the smallest thing like hanging the clothes on the line would wear me out. Bit by bit it improved and I got back to work after about 3 months. The armchair in my front room was my best friend for a while. It does make you feel really useless but it does improve. I did try to do too much too early and got cross with myself when I could not achieve what I set out to do. You are so used to being able to do whatever you want it comes as a shock when your body wont do it anymore. I pretty well got back to doing everything I used to do and tend now to put my tiredness in the afternoon down to my age. (69) A short nap fixes me up and I am then on top of things again.

    You just have to be patient and just do small amounts to start off with.



  • Thanks you for the reply, I appreciate hearing other peoples experiences.