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Hi again

my husband is three weeks post treatment and still feeling so very tired...Im wondering how long others were tired for? Thanks x

  • Thanks Sophie.  It helps to read others experiences!

  • I also think Dani that maybe the doctors think it would be overwhelming at diagnosis stage to know about it.  Or if you knew during treatment when you're already feeling tired, it would be too demotivating.  Maybe some people wouldn't do the treatment if they knew,...I think there are lots of things Doctors don't tell us about things anyway,

  • Yes. My oncologist drip feeds info but he did say I would need a feeding tube as he “would really fry the back of my throat” As you say it’s overwhelming. It’s all about hope. 
    i must admit I knew what I was in for but I equally knew I would die if I didn’t have the treatment. 
    It’s why we all advise people to take somebody in with them for these early consultations and to write questions down. 
    There is usually plenty of time to qualify things in the interval between diagnosis and treatment. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 


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  • I am 6 months post rt/chemo and still tired, I can micro nap for England! White noise/warmth are the "ideal" conditions for slipping off. As I have neck problems which affect regular sleep patterns I think this is compensation.

  • Wow that so long! Are you back to doing normal things though?

  • Yes in the main just not to excess or previous norms. 

  • I agree with what your say!

  • Hi Chickadee I had treatment in 20/21 radio and chemo and a neck dissection late last year. I get out of bed and feel tired sometimes but I just fight it and get on with things . I have resigned myself to the fact I won't be going back to work in a hurry. I got up yesterday and walked 3 miles came home did some house work and on the sofa at 12 more or less for the rest of the day napping. It affects us all differently 

  • I know everyone’s different but it still shocks me that it takes some people so long to recover your energy.  Thanks so much for telling me your experiences x