My life has turned upside down

  • 16 replies
  • 152 subscribers

I am now not able to have radiotherapy unless a trachestomy is performed 

tumour too big

blocking airway and radiotherapy would make it worse

now palliative care

wasted time since December 

utterly devastated 

  • I am so so sorry to read that. You have been on tenterhooks over this for so long. 

    I am now not able to have radiotherapy unless a trachestomy is performed 

    Is that really not an option you could consider? Or has your team decided it's not possible?

    I know you care for your husband so hopefully your hospital palliative team should get things organised for you via your GP and district nurse to care for both of you.

    I hope you both have some peace and love together for a while yet. 

    There are other sections of the forum where you can talk to other folk in a similar spot and I'm happy to point you there if you wish.



    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Spencerbear so sorry to hear this. If the RT can go ahead if you have the tracheostomy, surely that is worth considering. 


  • Hi Spencerbear

    Sorry to hear your news but as the others have said maybe speak to your team to see if the tracheotomy can be reversed after treatment . I know it must be a huge shock for you I was speaking with a man recently in my hospital feedback group who had a tracheotomy and was telling me all about his recent holiday and how he is living each day to the full.

    We are all different and what works for one person doesn’t work for another , maybe talk to team again and take a few days before you make a final decision xx

    Sebding you a virtual hug 

    Debbie x

  • Hi Spencerbear

    I have had a tracheastoma since August and live a totally normal life. The body produces a lot of mucous at first but that soon dies down. I clean and replace the tube everyday, it's little more than brushing your teeth. You may not be able to speak until the wound has healed after a couple of weeks. Then you would get a tube with a speaking valve and be able to talk normally. In your case, they would only be doing it to ensure you can breath and they would close it up again when the tumor has shrunk, which is what they are doing with me too. My voicebox is still intact. My advice is do it if that's the only thing hindering further treatment. so, I'm now off to enjoy the sunshine. Feel free to ask any questions and best wishes

    Patrick xx

  • Please get in touch

    i I have sent a friend request

    need to chat before next week if poss 

  • I have had a tracheastoma since August and live a totally normal life.

    Thanks for such a great post. Hope you can help Spencer. 
    I see you keep bees. Here is a Wave from a fellow beekeeper. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • No bees although I am sitting in the garden and there are loads of flowers around me LOL

    Patrick xx

  • Hi Spencerbear, hope that helped yesterday. Have you had a chance to chat to your doctor?

    Patrick xx

  • Thank you

    i gave an appointment on Thursday with mynoncologist

    the surgeon called and thinks it may be too late as it’s too advanced

  • Wish you all the best for Thursday. Just try and stay calm, they can do a lot more than we remember from when we were young

    Patrick xx