
  • 9 replies
  • 149 subscribers

Hi everyone ,

Just ending my 5th week post treatment and seen my oncologist yesterday for a review.

She seems to think everything is going ok and I should look at eating now instead of using rig, I explained that when I try drinks I begin to cough and worried if I start food it may do the same.she said food is heavier and will travel quicker so it should help with the coughing. She has also gave me a course of steroids and antibiotics to see if that helps. have anyone in the group had this problem post treatment ? I know I have to start eating and not rely on the Rig so much, it's taking that first step.


  • Your dietician is right. Solids and thicker fluids are much easier. 
    I think it’s worth a try 

    I definitely found tea much harder to deal with than porridge for example. I had to really concentrate on swallowing 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Mark

    My CNS and dietitian (and my wife) were pretty tough on me regarding eating meals....I had become too comfortable with my PEG routine....they were right of course....started off with small meals supplemented orally with Ensures...gradually built up to full meals....not easy but worthwhile....coughing became less and less of an issue.


  • Hi Peter ,

    Did you have the cough trying to drink fluids? It's so annoying !!

  • Sorry  Mark, yes I should have mentioned that, coughing and panicking when eating/drinking was an issue, when I was confident enough to start eating out again I was terrified of having a coughing fit in public....things did get better

  • Thank you Peter 

  • Hi, Mark, I started to eat small amounts of food, at the same time I cut down on the amount of overnight feed I had. Try foods that go down easy such as, scrambled eggs, poached eggs, milk puddings, yogurts, porridge is also easy to get down. Where you can add lots of butter and cream, it's important to get as many calories as you can. It's trial and error, try different things, see what you can manage best. 


  • Hi yes make a start like Dani says porridge ready break or mushy weetabix   Ok my breakfast used to take 45 mins to eat a bowl of cereal but it was a start. I had my ng tube out week 3 of recovery as I could swallow it just took time and often lukewarm sips of herbal tea as start and during eatung helped. Poached eggs are good as well. I was orally drinking ensures 5-6 a day then gradually replacing with food. But I thought nursery type food rather than a full meal and 6 smaller meals a day helped 

    Hazel x

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

    2 videos I’ve been involved with raising awareness of HNC and HPV cancers

  • Hi Mark. I still cough when I drink thin fluids but it seems pretty O.K. with slightly thicker fluids such as milk based ones.

    I can only eat puree but find that it is thick enough so I do not cough. You will have to experiment to find out what works the best for you. Nothing ventured nothing gained. You will get more confident as you become familiar with the foods that work for you.



  • I coughed for months and months and still do (a year in) when eating cereal and food like that. I drink something and it helps. 

    things that are harder to swallow are grapes. Anything with a skin .  It just sits in my throat. Sending  it down with something heavy does help .  

    I drink a lot of chai as I find it doesn’t dry out my mouth.