Biopsy on lump on tongue

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I'm sorry if I shouldn't be here as I've not been told I have cancer but I'm so worried I might.

I'm 41 healthy non smoker and I've had a large strange shape red lump on my tongue for 3 months. It's not changing but not going becoming very painful also sore throat for about the sam

e time.

Also there is a small white lump under it. Gp tried me with antibiotics and oral thrush medication which didn't work. Bypass couple weeks I had a biopsy which has been extremely painful on day 10 only now managing to eat and talk properly.

I guess I'm here for support or if above symptoms anyone had. I've got yo wait 2 weeks for results which will be Tuesday 26th but no appointment yet. Sure its nothing maybe some type of trauma but why there so long and why the constant sore throat. 

Very anxious family are worried and I have 2 very young children. 

  • It's worrying. Just can't believe taken over 4 weeks for results now all of a sudden panic for scans. 

    Thank you for your message though I've read your blog you're an inspiration. :) 

    Keep updated tomorrow x

  • It's worrying. Just can't believe taken over 4 weeks for results now all of a sudden panic for scans. 

    The hold up has been at pathology. It’s awful for you  know. Now they are getting a wiggle on. Fingers crossed for you tomorrow xxx


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you for your message though I've read your blog you're an inspiration

    I hope I’ve helped somehow and you can see that we can all get through this and be well again. This bit before we know what’s happening is very much the worst. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Hey Tigerlily - yep, looks like someone in the loop has a view of your results. The time delay is obviously frustrating and you’ve endured a few weeks of stress/anxiety but what’s happened has happened; look ahead to your appointment tomorrow. 

    It is quite possible that the ‘urgent’ action you’ve been presented with now is to jump on any anomalies found in your results that could be completely indifferent. Seeing a consultant and getting an MRI is all reasonably standard but I concur with Dani’s observations, make sure you have a significant other with you to assist with asking questions and to help digest what you get told as these medical environments can bemuse/confuse most people - take it from me!

    Keep us updated. Best wishes.


  • Thanks for your replies. 

    I know I hope to have answers tomorrow. My husband is coming with me thankfully. 

    I did send an email about how much pain my throat and tongue is in Friday so possibly these urgent scans could be a response to that. However doctors go by what they have ie results rather than a patient complaining I imagine. 

    Thanks for your support


  • Another call now for CT scan in few days. So that's MRI, ultrasound and CT. I'm really panicking now. Why all 3?! 

    Sorry I'll find out tomorrow I know I'm Just freaking out now Disappointed

  • I think you’re getting in clinical terms what you might call; ‘boots, belt and braces’ so they scan and survey everything using multi-media.

    It is completely normal to feel the way you are - this is alien territory, right? You are having a perfectly normal reaction to what is most definitely an abnormal situation. Nothing anyone can say will make you feel better at the minute but stay with it and wait/see what happens tomorrow. Always good to have a pleasant distraction, how about doing something tonight to divert your attention? Just a thought.

    Take care…

  • Another call now for CT scan in few days. So that's MRI, ultrasound and CT. I'm really panicking now. Why all 3?! 

    Claire. All these are routine. I had an MRI US Chest CT and biopsy. 
    If they have found something in your mouth on biopsy they need an accurate picture of exactly where it is. 
    So please don’t panic.


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Thankyou its just scary the unknown. Maybe dr being over cautious. 

    I've got a 4 year old and 1 year old baby so lots distractions here. May watch good film when they're in bed Slight smile

    Least it's 9.30 appointment. Thank you for taking the time to reply x

  • Hi Tigerlily. The waiting’s the worst part as you are finding out. Tomorrow you can also ask if you can record the consultation on your phone . Get hubby to take a pen and notebook as well. Don’t feel rushed make sure you know where they are coming from. It’s all too easy to mishear something then think wonder what that meant. Good luck and when you’ve time pop back in. Remember if yiure unlucky and  join us head and neck cancers respond extremely well to treatment.
    hugs watch a good film tonight and morning will soon come

    Hazel x. 

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now 5 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help