Hello - waiting on scan results, tonsil cancer

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  • 151 subscribers

Thanks to all who have posted their blogs, it was a very interesting weekend read - knowing what I am facing.  I'm a 53 yr old female, non smoker, light drinker.  Had a cold just before Christmas and sore throat, cold shifted but sore throat remained - not too sore just scratcy and lumpy. Mid Jan got the torch out and swollen right tonsil with white patches so I thought I had tonsilitis so followed nhs guidelines but it didn't clear. Had swabs for strep followed by bloods for Glandular fever which all came back clear. Doctor rang me and asked for a photo of tonsils which I gladly took and he put me on a cancer pathway. Next day got a phonecall from the hostpital for ENT appointment which was the next day ( super quick, thanks NHS). I saw the consultant who wasn't overly concerned, she said they were inclusion cysts and would probably settle on their own but thank goodness she took a biopsy to put my mind at rest - not the nicest thing to have done. I also had the camera up my nose and down my throat which didn't show anything suspicious. No neck lumps and no swollen lymph's. In the meantime my second molar on the left side bottom jaw sheared off chewing a roast potato so had to have that repaired ( I wonder if it's related)? Waited 10 days and the call came in last Tursday afternoon to say that they had found cancerous cells, even the consultant was shocked. Had mri and ct scans yesterday and they are having their team meeting on Thursday to discuss what the plan is - the waiting is hell. I have a husband and two teenage boys and telling them was awful but I don't think they realise yet what is going to happen - any advice appreciated. Trying to eat all I can for now as I know it's going to be tough

  • Hi Coc cat. You’ve found us so stick with us. We’re all happy to help once yiu get treatment plan yiur mind settles down honestly. Treatments pretty brutal but if I can do it anyone can if you’ve read my blog you’ll see I’m happily living my life. Can’t help with tooth issues but you’ll have a full dental check prior to treatment starting. 
    keep off dr Google 

    ask us any questions 

    Hazel xx

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress.com  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

    2 videos I’ve been involved with raising awareness of HNC and HPV cancers 


  • FormerMember

    hi Coco

    T2N1M0 tonsil cancer HPV+ diagnosed Feb 2023....treatment finished June 2023 (CRT)

    I was nearly 2 years before my swollen tonsil was finally diagnosed as cancer....worrying time....after diagnosis I was given a treatment plan 6 Chemo and 30 Radio....(only managed 4 of the chemo)  radiotherapy was tough....Oral ulceration problems usually surface during weeks 2 to 3....luckily I had a PEG tube in place....Life saver...Spent 12 days in hospital stabilising my weight....lost 2+ stones in 3 weeks...

    For most recovery takes time.... lots of ups and downs....3 molars extracted before start of treatment...

    Now eating pretty well, healthy BMI.... taste returning slowly, playing golf again....been to Tenerife for a wee break....tough going but things do improve.

    Take care and best of luck

    Peter ..

  • Thank you, I read your blog on Saturday, so much brilliant information. It's so glad to hear people get through .x

  • Hi  and welcome from me too. Advice? Just keep busy and trust your team. You’ve been seen really quickly. Fingers crossed like me you’ll avoid chemo entirely. 
    Once your treatment plan is worked out things will look better. 
    Most oropharyngeal cancer is HPV positive and curable. 
    Stay here with us. Ask anything you want. There will be somebody with an answer. Don’t bother with Google. Ask here or your team. Good luck. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you.x I have read your blog, it's great to hear real life stories and yes google is horrific. Hopefully by next week I will know what to expect

  • Thanks. I hope it’s been of some help. I do gloss over a lot of things because in the grander scheme of things although the treatment is nasty, it doesn’t last forever and I’ve always been wary to much graphic content. Honest, you’ll be fine. It’s a horrid cancer to get ( daft really… they all are) but it responds so well to treatment 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Thankyou. Trying to keep positive.

  • Hi Coc cat, you've come to the right place, we all know how you feel, and how unbearable the waiting can be. You will feel better once you get your treatment plan, and everything is explained to you. The treatment is challenging, but doable, and it gives very high cure rates. We are all here to help if we can, so any questions just ask away.


  • thank you. I know I'll be in good hands on here and in hospital.x