
  • 22 replies
  • 144 subscribers

Hi everyone, to all you tonsil cancer Survivors, quick question, does everyone avoid alcohol or do you enjoy alcohol drinks as before, are we advised not to drink after treatment? thanks 

  • I finished treatment mid-Oct and haven't really drunk since then. I forced a few glasses of Prosecco down after I got the PET scan results in Feb but I don't enjoy it anymore, beer and wine taste unpleasant to me. Wine tastes vinegary and beer has a sour kind of taste still - I have tried sips of my wife's drinks but it hasn't changed. I was only a social drinker before and moderate at best, but I do miss it and hope to be able to enjoy an IPA or glass of wine again. 

  • Hi everyone!! Thanks for all your comments and advice, saw my consultant today and said about our chat. He said moderate drinking is ok, spirits should be with mixer, beers and wines etc are a little better than spirits because of units but all in all enjoy a drink if you want (and can enjoy) just don’t go mad!!! I am happy with that, can still have a vodka and coke on a Fri night and not feel guilty!! Bottoms up people x