Recently diagnosed with T1N2 BOT hpv cancer. I just want to say hi on this group.

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I just thought I would join this group to say hi and find some support by  reading other people’s stories.  I am quite scared at the moment.  I go to the Royal Marsden on Monday to get my mask made etc.  

  • Lizzie,

    All the best for next 2 days. The ladies who made my mask were lovely, made me feel really comfortable. They wouldn't cut holes for me, but I found it fine. I imagine you'll get your two little tattoos too, mine are barely noticeable like tiny blue freckles. Felt I was making a start with it all. 

    Having my granddaughter really kept me going, has made me even more determined to get well and be here for her. 

    Good luck, Ronnie x 

  • Best of luck Lizzie you'll be fine. All the people I met before, after and during treatment were just lovely.  

    The anticipation is often worse than the reality.  

    Julie x 

  • Lizzie

    We were all at this point's daunting but very doable..I have the mask was a challenge..but in the end it was fine... your on the first step back to recovery... your team will look after you... stay what you can... there is no such thing as a bad calorie... stay positive if you can as t really helps.

    Good luck


  • Hi Lizzie,

    I was like you really scared before my treatment.  I had cancer of the nose and upper lip and received two chemo's and 32 radiotherapy sessions.  I was okay for the first two weeks and then ended up in hospital for the duration of my treatment due to infections, vomiting, blood clots etc.  However, that was a year ago, and I am doing fine now.  I still have to have major surgery and facial reconstruction, some of which was caused by the treatment, but I am back in work full time and trying to live a normal life.  I am getting used to having a prostectic nose.  My speech is not normal at present, but will improve with the next round of surgery.  So don't be afraid, just take the treatment one day at a time and there are people around you who will look after you if you need support. 

  • Hi everyone. Thankyou for all your very kind wishes.  I have had the mask made yesterday!!!!!!!!!! Yikes!!!   I have to go this afternoon for a planning CT wearing the mask.  I have had my teeth x rayed, follow up on that tomorrow, I have kidney function test tomorrow snd another mri.  Phew!  We are meeting my consultant again today as I have so many questions.  Everyone has been very kind.  Taking one day at a time is good advice.  I kind of want to get on with it now, but nevertheless I am really scared about the treatment but I will do the best I can.  Sounds like they get you through it one way or another. Best wishes to everyone.  Lizzie

  • I have had the mask made yesterday!!!!!!!!!! Yikes!!!   I have to go this afternoon for a planning CT wearing the mask.  I have had my teeth x rayed, follow up on that tomorrow,

    You'll keep your teeth then....which is good news.

    Being frightened is OK. Don't let anybody tell you to be strong. You just plod through day be day and suddenly it's done. You'll do it


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Lizzie 

    Bril need hope today went well. Yes you’ll get through weve all had the same fears of the unknown. But we’ve got through it snd you will as well. 
    Hazel xx

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now 5 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help  

  • Hi Lizzie,

    Over one hurdle now and you will get through the next, just take each day as it comes and you will get through it, don't be afraid to ask for support during your treatment if you think you need it, I did and received at lot.  Everyone is scared so don't worry about that just talk to someone if you need to.  This site is very supportive and helped me get through it and is still helping me now. 

  • Hi lady66

    Thankyou. I have asked for help today as I have to have the mri with the mask on.   I have a sedative to take.  They talked me through it yesterday.  It is quicker than a normal mri as it is a planning one.  I am determined to give it my best shot as I want to give myself the best chance. I am daunted but I have managed everything so far and my husband is with me.  I will do my special breathing and I know that helps. It is lovely to get these messages from people here.  I look forward to them.  I don’t feel so alone.   Lizzie

  • Hi Lizzie,

    Yes  I think the MRI is shorter than a normal one, I don't remember it taking long, its just to help them plan your radiotherapy sessions to make sure they get the right place at least that's what I was told.  Don't worry about it, keep your chin up.  If you need any info or just want to chat, you know where to come.
