Hi everyone,
So my diet is nearly all fortisips through Rig now apart from the odd scrambled egg in the morning. My question is , does your poo consistency get better or is it always like mud ,not sure if all the drugs are making it worse either ? Sorry about the topic but ,just thought I'd ask. I'm taking plenty of of water .I also stopped the laxido 2 days ago.
My question is , does your poo consistency get better or is it always like mud ,not sure if all the drugs are making it worse
Mine varied. My oncologist told me to take four laxido a day. That was too much. I stabilised on two. Didn’t dare stop while I was on morphine.
Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019
I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below
I lived on fortisips as well, i could not manage any solids at all during treatment and for a month or so after treatment.
I was on oramorph, laxido and fentanyl .. to be honest i alternated between mind blowingly painful constipation and awful diarrhea with nothing in-between.
The good news is that once i was off the pain meds the bowel movements went back to normal. I am sure this will be the case for you.
Hi Spider. Be careful re stopping the laxido, it’s all too easy to get compacted poo with being on opiates. It’s a fine balance I took one sachet a day and to be honest was ng tube fed and my poo was normal I was in co codomol and oramorph . Once treatment stops and you start to wean iff the pain killers around 3 month for me l I was orally drinking ensure 3 weeks after treatment. Poo does return ti normal.
Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz
My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress.com HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now 6 years post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help
2 videos I’ve been involved with raising awareness of HNC and HPV cancers
Thanks Hazel ,will monitor it with 1 sachet a day ,
My bowels alternated between impacted constipation and very loose stools for quite some time. Although the constipation stopped as I began to recover my bowels were still highly unpredictable for many months afterwards to the extent that I almost always had to stop for a poo whilst out for my daily walk (which was thankfully 90% in the countryside). I think it’s fair to say that the combination of treatment and drugs can play absolute havoc with one’s bowels.
It does get better. It was really unpleasent when I went onto pump feed bags of food, but as I returned to normal food so did the poo. Just take the laxatives otherwise you will bung up. I varied mine as to how I was feeling, but for me most days one would suffice.
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