Oesophageal cancer

  • 6 replies
  • 75 subscribers

Hi, my partner, Stuart, had an oesophagectomy on 14 November 2024. He was lucky that he didn’t need chemo either before or after the operation. However, he’s still on a nasal gastric tube, which he hates with a vengeance, and his voice is still hoarse, which the surgeon says is unusual that his voice has not recovered. He has an appointment with ENT on 1 April. Input from speech and language therapy has been scant to say the least so we’ve booked an appointment with a private therapist. This will cost an arm and a leg. The dietitian confirmed there is staff shortage across the board. He was given exercises for his vocal cords and swallowing when he left hospital though he wasn’t diligent about following them. He had a swallowing test at end of January but failed. He was given a new set of exercises, posted out to him with a video link to watch. He has a phone appointment with his speech therapist on 2 April, again surprised it’s not face to face. All of this has been so frustrating and I’m worried that he’s getting depressed. I’m now considering looking for a carer group for myself. 

  • Hi. Sorry to hear about your partner's problems. Can I ask what is the primary reason he has the NG tube fitted ? I had one post op for 2 months so may be able to comment further if the cause is similar. We are all too familiar on this site of the pressure on partners dealing with this horrible disease that their loved ones have contracted. I have always said that this is perhaps actually worse for them than the patient. I am afraid this disease gives us many hurdles to jump over.

  • Unable to swallow safely. Thanks for your reply.

  • Ok. Different prime cause to myself. He is probably already doing this but I ran the pump at the maximum rate overnight thus allowing myself to disconnect for at least 12 hours during the day. Also the more water you imbibe via the throat the more comfortable the tube location feels. It is not the most pleasant bit of decoration to add to your face  but nevertheless a lot easier than some of the nutrition routes that others have had to endure. I do hope things improve soon.

  • Thank you. Can I ask why you were on nasal gastric tube? 

  • Hi I’m sorry I can’t help regarding NG tubes I had a jej feeding tube as I couldn’t eat but after my second chemo I could eat and the feeding tube was removed as it became misplaced. What area of the country are you in it does seem that things vary around the country! Sorry I can’t help but sending hugs Tricia x

  • I had a leak at the join made between stomach and oesophagus and consequently vomiting all food. It self healed but took 2 months. It is one of those post op. consequences that can occur. No long term effect or at least not in my case.