Oesophagus Adenocarcinoma - disappointed meeting with my consultant cancelled

  • 2 replies
  • 72 subscribers

Hello I have finished my 8 cycles of Oxaliplatin plus Capecitabine ( capox) and immunotherapy. 

I'm feeling absolutely devastated as today I had an appointment with my consultant to discuss my latest CT scan and I got a call to say he is off sick.

I had built myself up to today , got all my questions ready and now they are trying to get my specialist nurse to call me. I know doctors get ill to and my consultant is lovely but I'm disappointed and need answers about the full dose of immunotherapy hat I'm having on Wednesday.

Sorry, to moan but it's so upsetting.

  • That is beyond frustrating. Sending you my love and hope you are doing ok x

  • oh that's terrible can the nurse or a doctor on the specialist team give you the answer ?

    Don't give up and wait for how long ?  ask ,dont ask dont get my motto - if you know what I mean.  Of course you want a qualified person but specialist normally has a team.

    big hugs from someone who cares about all in this situation


