Hi, first timer saying hello

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  • 69 subscribers

My Dad had a diagnosis of Oesophageal cancer mid March. After lots of testing the decision seems to be straight to surgery. Need for chemo pre op isn’t clear as no sign of spread and on balance of risk vs benefit this is the plan. What I’d like to see is if anyone else has had surgery without pr op chemo. I would love to hear from you. Thank you and best wishes to you all. 

  • Hi Team Dad

    I'm assuming your Dad's tumour must be quite small (<2cm) as the norm is chemo-op-chemo. He's a very lucky guy if that's the case!

    Good Luck Thumbsup 

  • Team Dad

    Hello, I FLOT, (chemo) Op and now more chemo, I do know several people from a local support group who just had the OP straight away, this being they were T1/T2, this is the stage. Not sure what your dad diagnosis is. 
    Hope this helps. 

    best wishes Jennie Sparkles