Moms cancer

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  • 50 subscribers

My mom was diagnosed with early stages on OC last January, totally out of the blue. She also had a small cancer in her lungs and they wasn’t sure if it’s a separate cancer or one of them being secondary. No other scans offered and no treatment due to her age (85) and her other co morbidities which are numerous. They didn’t give us a time scale of how long she has. Roll on nearly one year and she looks no different but her eating is awful, can only really eat soft foods like soup, egg custard etc. she now has really bad pain in the top of her stomach, she said it’s like a griping pain, she thinks it’s her nerves but is it the cancer? The doctor has prescribed her amotripiline for her nerves but these have made her feel so much worse with giddiness and not touched the stomach pain. I’ve rang the palliative nurses and she’s rang the doctor but she seems to be thrown from pillar to post! I’ve asked her to come stay with me but she won’t and seems to be withdrawing from everyone. She’s alone as my dad passed away 7 yrs ago. I worry so much ad don’t want to see her suffer like this 

  • I am so sorry to hear about your mum’s diagnosis and realise how worrying this must be for you. Given that the medics have said there are no treatment options available for your mum their priority should be to ensure she is as comfortable as possible. Do you have a Power of Attorney for her? If so, could you meet with the GP and/or the palliative nurses to discuss your concerns and press for support for your mum.  Even without POA, as next of kin I would imagine that , with your mum’s permission they would listen to you,  For advice on what might be available, have you tried phoning the Macmillan Helpline?  As for your mum’s eating difficulties, is there a dietician involved as she could have supplement drinks such as Ensure or Fortisip which would boost her calorie intake?  Take care of yourself. Beverleyx

  • Hi Travelhappy, yes I have POA and I also rang the cancer nurses yesterday, they have red flagged her to hopefully have a visit from them today, he said they cannot guarantee one but it’s more than likely she will get a visit. I told him I felt like she’s being left to just get on with it, he said they don’t like to tread o the doctors toes but at the same time mom should be the priority (her doctors are a waste of time). She has Fortisip drinks and I’m making her soups and egg custards etc. my life just lately is all about mom, I’m nearly 60 myself with 7 grandchildren so never really get a minute to myself. I just dread mom getting worse, don’t want her to suffer but also don’t want to lose her. I just dread everything at the minute. Also I’m being made redundant end of March and need a job but to apply for one  and get it fills me with doom just in case mom gets worse, I’ll need to be with her. My mind is all over the place and I feel I can’t plan anything, I feel like I’m in limbo tbh 

  • What a nightmare for you and by the sounds of it things are not going to get easier for you, unfortunately. You sound as if you are doing everything you can for your mum but please look after yourself as well. Beverley x

  • Hi

    i was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer January 2024 I had treatment but sadly it hasn’t worked and I am now under the palliative care team i haven’t been able to eat solid foods now for months I have lost 3 stone in weight but l am having a stent put into my oesophageal and hopefully this will help.. My palliative care team are excellent they have arranged for all my medications to be changed to dispensable or liquid form.   Also I was on paracetamol and oral morphine for pain and discomfort because I have been having disturbed sleep they have now changed it to slow release morphine which is helping . I live on my own with no children but thankfully I have given the hospitals and Doctors the permission to speak to my friend which helps , because I am not well enough to speak to them some days so my friend speaks to them on my behalf. Also I have moved in with my friend which I didn’t want to do but l am so glad I have it made it much easier for both of us. There are other tablets that maybe able to help.


  • Oh I’m so sorry Janey, you sound like you’re getting much better care than my mom, and thank you for your help with meds, the nurse did not visit today, they rang and said they will visit Thursday! It’s just ridiculous how long she’s waiting for help. I’ve been to see her today and her feet and ankles are now swollen so more worry for me, she’s never had this before. Take care and I hope you keep getting all the help you need 

  • Hi Caring

    i would ring her GP also if her ankles are swollen take care and thinking of you x