Jules/w1cky waiting for news

  • 42 replies
  • 53 subscribers

I think I'm like a few of us on the forum, waiting for news from Jules. Sending her love and hoping the post-op recovery goes well xxx

  • Hi Jules,

    There is certainly nothing easy about this journey and only those who have gone through it (or supported a loved one through it) can really understand. But, as you say, it is doable. I still can’t believe that they are considering sending you home today only 4 days after your operation!! When you’re back home, most of your time will be taken up with managing your medications and feeding tube, sitting/lying down and sleeping. Wouldn’t plan on doing too much more. CB

  • Agreed 100% CB, it's unbelievable tbh! Especially considering all of these additional problems Wicky is encountering at the moment..... 

  • I totally agree with you CB .I can’t believe it either .Eight days in hospital for my husband and he had no issues whatsoever .

    Take it easy Jules , if you don’t feel up to going home then stay put ! 

    Best wishes  J x

  • Totally agree don’t rush home ! I know hospital is not the easiest place to sleep etc but the tendency is to try and do things at home I don’t intend leaving until I’m good and ready when it’s my turn !

    Tricia x

  • Hi Tricia,

    Well I was in for 16 days after my operation. Wouldn’t have felt up to going home much before that and I don’t think my wife would have wanted to have the responsibility for me either! What stage of your journey are you at now? CB

  • There are various tests that you have to pass until they will even consider being discharged. This all sounds very odd to me!

  • Third cycle of FLOT CT scan 3rd Feb and if all ok surgery beginning March ! 


  • Thank you cb, wish the original doctor hadn't mentioned today, as original surgeon looking at weds, which was what I was going for bare minimum so thank you cb, all the advice much appreciated by me and the dietician I just saw ref dumping and portion sizes, just about to try soup, jelly and ice cream, first solids in months x hope things are all good for you cb

  • I’ve just found the BRI patient info for oesophagectomy …… it definitely suggests a relatively long stay Thinking

  • My timescale was pretty similar last year. My 3rd cycle of FLOT was 17th Jan and surgery on 29th Feb. You’ve quite a year ahead of you as I’m sure you know from reading other people’s stories on here but, by this time next year, you will be where I am now… You can do it! CB