Just need to write it down

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  • 47 subscribers

My mum had an endoscopy and colonscopy today due to anemia, heartburn and bouts of sickness. The doc came after and explained she has a 20p size growth on the part stomach joins oesophagus, she cannot 100% say cancer until biopsy back  and a CT scan of lungs, liver, kidneys is complete hopefully all this within 3 weeks. We are just a bit dazed and I am just very confused really did not see this coming, they gave us a card for the cancer team/nurses and says we will be receive a call from tthem. It was like she saw cancer but can't confirm till tests,  don't even know what I am asking, a just want to read other journeys and prepare myself for what my mum might need. Thank u for reading

  • Great that you've joined the forum so quickly. It took me a few weeks but have found it a great source of support, inspiration and information. 

    Hoping your Mum is dealt with as quickly as possible and that the team is as kind as they have been to my husband.