Adrenal Node found

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  • 48 subscribers


I thought I would give an update on where I am at 8mths post op. 

So I was admitted last week because of reflux, sickness, which started back in August. it got to the stage where I was not keeping even the shakes down and the weight was falling of me. They gave me fluid to rehydrate, a CT scan instead of the barium swallow. 

The CT scan picked up a node on my adrenal gland or clear with the esophagus. I was booked in to sort the hernia/scar tissue with the robotic.

This was last Sunday and what a difference a week makes, I am eating again, mince and moist and have put 3lb on, feels great to eat. 

The node, I have a PET scan this Thursday as they have to check I have no other red lights Shrug tone2‍♀️if it is just the node on the adrenal gland this will be removed surgically and checked if it is cancerous. If they find other nodes I will be managed as the DR put it. My surgeon said he could not see any other suspicious activity and at this point doesn’t know if the adrenal node is cancerous, he said with my histology results I would be very unlucky. As we know cancer has its own ideas. 

So this is where I am, relived I am eating again and enjoying it feels like enormous amounts of food, enjoying peaceful sleep and holding on to hope.


Best wishes Jennie SparklesSunflower

  • Thanks for sharing this good news, Jennie. I'm really pleased for you. Fingers crossed that the node is nothing to worry about.

    Best wishes,

    Lorraine x

  • Morning Jennie 

    Really pleased to read your update x Fingers crossed that the node is nothing to worry about. 

    Take care

    Vonn +Andy


  • Hi Jennie

    You must be so relieved to be back on the road to eating normally again. I find putting on weight to be impossible at the moment (I'm 8 months post op too), just hoping that it will happen soon, so 3lb in a week sounds fantastic to me!

    I hope the PET scan gives you the reassurance you want. Hopefully you'll get the results back quickly.

    Best wishes


  • Hi Mutti

    What I have been eating.

    Breakfast, scotch pancake heated, 2 good dollops of vanilla protein yogurt a squeeze of honey topped with 4 chopped strawberries.

    snack - ice cream or cake or wotsits, pick crisps with a dip.

    lunch - small jacket with 2 dollops of philli, tuna and mayo or prawns and mayo.


    dinner - soup with toast, or bolognese, chilli, fish pie

    if I have time before bed, 2.5hrs min, I might have another snack. Almonds nuts  

    I feel I have gone from shake a water to stuffed. 

    most importantly I feel I have some energy back. I shall see if it continues or if it is just because I was eaten nothing. 

    Best wishes Jennie SparklesSunflower

  • Good God Jennie if id eaten that much I'd be a right Billy Bunter! 

  • Hi Jennie

    Well I must be a Billy Bunter too, I eat similar things to you, spaced out over the day! The dietician also prescribes me the protein shakes which I detest but I do try to have one a day (she'd rather I had two) but I much prefer to eat proper food. It doesn't seem to matter how much I eat, the weight won't go back on. Obviously the Coeliac disease and microscopic colitis don't help. I'm on steroids now to help control the diarrhoea and they've made a difference but still no weight gain!

    I find scrambled egg easy to eat/digest too although I'm not a fan of eggs but needs must.

    I'm very aware of being careful when I eat of not overloading my new conduit. My surgeon was adamant about it, said it could cause a lot of problems if it got stretched. My join is very high up at the bottom of my neck so I imagine maybe that doesn't help either.

    Sounds like you'll have those lbs back on in no time

    Best wishes


  • Hi Jennie

    Good luck with your scan tomorrow. I hope you get your results back quickly, as we all know, the waiting is the worst bit.

    Best wishes
