PICC line duration and dressing changes for Oesaphageal cancer treatment

  • 9 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Hello everyone,

My wife is currently on FLOT Cycle 2 of 4. The plan is for surgery and then possibly a further 4 rounds of chemotherapy.

My question relates to the PICC line. In the groups experience we wondered if most people had their PICC lines in situ for the whole duration and also whether anyone had been signed off to change their partners PICC line dressing/ bung change and flush

This would be 8 weeks for the 4 initial chemo cycles, 4 to 8 weeks before surgery, then another 8 weeks for 4 further cycles of chemotherapy.

We are in a situation (our request for convenience and to avoid travel when my wife is struggling with the effects of chemo and surgery) where I am to be “trained” in dressing changing (weekly) 

The hospital is being very helpful and facilitating the training ahead of sign off. (This involves 2 observations my me and 1 or 2 observations by them of my ability to do it safely)

Thankyou in advance of any interest in this question.

  • Hi my PICC line was removed after the 4th infusion and now waiting for the operation. The district nurses came to do all the flushes etc.

  • Hi Anon123,

    My wife would’ve been happy enough to undertake the PICC dressing changes but in the end it just felt easier to let the district nurses handle it. But you should be able to arrange for them to come out to you and do it in your own home to save you having to travel during chemo. This is what I arranged for post-op and it worked well. Best wishes CB

  • Hi

    Unfortunately, although we requested training, I was not allowed to assist with the PIC, so we had to have the D/N come to the home to do the maintenance on the line for my Husband. 

    I wish you Wife every success with her treatment


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  • Many thanks for your reply

  • Thanks for your reply Lowe.

    If you don’t mind me asking, did your husband have chemo then surgery then more chemo? If so did the PICC line remain in place throughout with weekly dressing changes ( and fortnightly pump removal) by the DNs?

  • Thanks CB. Did you have the PICC  line in throughout chemo plus surgery plus more chemo with weekly dressin* changes?

  • Unfortunately Dal is not suitable for surgery, after a while they gave him a power port in his chest to make the taking of bloods easier. 


    Call the helpline for free on 08088080000, 8am to 8pm everyday.
    Tomorrow is not promised but it always has potential. Aim for your potential!
  • Thanks again Lowe

  • Hi Anon123

    PICC line was removed after pre-op chemo and then reinstated prior to post-op chemo. I believe that this is standard procedure. All the best, CB