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I was all set for my oesphagectomy last week. My scans were all clear 3 of them. So when the surgeon opened me up he found tiny microscopical cancer cells so could not proceed. Very disheartened now I have to get more chemo. Has anyone else experienced thos thankyou

  • Hi Lollypops, sorry to hear this. 

    Where exactly did they find the cancer cells, was it in the original tumour location or elsewhere? I am due to have my operation on the 28th of August. 

    hope you smash the chemo going forward and you can get back on track for the operation.

  • Hi when they opened me up found microscopical cells in my stomach.  I was very disappointed nkq I have to wait for a plan for more chemo see what happens then.

  • That's a bit strange as they would normally be removing at least a third of your stomach anyway I think Thinking 

  • Hi Lollypops1234,

    That must’ve been very hard on you after getting yourself all mentally prepared for the operation. Hopefully a couple more rounds of chemo will do the trick and put you back on track. Good luck. CB

  • Really sorry to read this Lollypops,

    I hope that they get that new treatment started as soon as possible. 

    Wishing you every success


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  • Hopefully I'm just waiting now for my encologist to give me a plan for chemo. I'm actually scared going down to see her and what she might say !

  • Hi Lollypops,

    I’m not surprised that you’re scared. I would be too. The not knowing what is going to happen next is always scary. Always better when you at least have a plan of action. Do you have a date yet for your oncology meeting? Please make sure that you bring someone along to it. Best wishes, CB

  • Hi hopefully next week I should get a phone call to go amlnd meet the encologist and get a plan.  Thankyou