Stage Four diagnosis - is there any way back or are we just holding back the tide?

  • 153 replies
  • 57 subscribers

HI all,

I love reading all the positive comments from everyone on here.

I was referred to the One Stop Shop at St Thomas' in September to assess whether chemo and surgery or just surgery was the way to go when I received the devastating news that the PET Scan had picked up metastases in my liver which had not been seen on my Ct scan. No surgery and referral for palliative chemotherapy only.

The consultant Oncologist floored me not only with his prognosis but also the cold, blunt way in which he delivered it. Thankfully the lovely oncology nurse reminded me that his data is based on averages and that I am not average ( age, general health, active lifestyle, great support from family and positive mental attitude all being on my side). 

Just starting my fourth cycle of CAPOX treatment I feel better than I did before I was diagnosed and am suffering minimal side effects, still working and coming up for a review with my oncology consultant - thankfully a new one - early in the New Year.

After all this preamble I guess what I really want to know is whether I could be looking at a reversal of any of the existing tumours or the best I can hope for is no further spread? I know we are all different and have different experiences but I would really appreciate hearing from someone with similar experience to mine.

In the meantime I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year.

  • Hi Dean 

    This site has been so helpful to us during Andys journey xx we're going forward to surgery feeling more prepared (but still scared ) best wishes and we'll keep you informed of the surgery updates. 

    Take care 


  • Hi Vonn

    Yes please let me know how Andy gets on. If I can help with anything before the op to help him prepare I will ok.

    Best wishes


  • Thanks for your support. 


  • Hi Dean, did you have any symptoms of the diagnosis before being diagnosed? 

  • Hi, no didn't have any symptoms at all.

    Went for a bike ride in the mountains in Lanzarote last April, felt exhausted and unwell at the end of it. Went to doctors as soon as I was back as had chest pain, he was concerned so sent me for an endoscopy and that's when the tumour was found. It was draining me of iron and Oxygen in the blood. A year later I have had chemo and op and now more chemo to hopefully get the all clear.

    Feel free to ask any questions and I will try to help

    Best wishes


  • I’ve had my Diagnosis today, the scans shown no C present and no spread but Biospy confirmed so they’ve put me in the Stage 1 bracket. I’ve no drastic symptoms which is good. NHS have been brilliant in regards to getting me in ASAP for everything. Last Tuesday I had my Endoscopy and today I’ve found out the diagnosis. I’ve further scans to confirm no spread then what sounds like a plan of chemo and surgery for the foreseeable. It’s a weird relief after the short wait I’ve had, my anxiety was terrible to say the least. 

    Hope you’re doing wellPray

  • Hi , that is very good news. They have caught it very early and with your age you got this. The chemo is tough but being stage one your chemo may not be so strong so side effects may not be so bad.

    I'm in for my post op chemo tomorrow, round 3 so hoping I don't feel too bad this time.

    Wish you lots of luck

    Best wishes 


  • Hi Carole,

    How are you doing?

    My husband had 2nd cycle last Thursday, suffered really bad with the throat spasms again but the other side effects have been manageable this time.

    Take care

    Angie xx

  • Hi Angie

    Glad your husband's side effects are manageable with his 2nd cycle. I have had 4 now and number 5 is next Tuesday. I am not too bad but still have pain which seems to move around either in my chest or back, some days not too bad it seems to be random. Eating is easier but not as much as I would have liked. It seems like twice a week I have to bring what I have eaten up and then can't eat or drink anything for hours after as I will just bring it up. I had CT scan on Monday and appt  with consultant tomorrow. Fingers crossed there is progress.

    I hope with each cycle your husband will tolerate chemo more and more.

    Take care.

    Carole xx

  • Hi Carole,

    My husband still has back pain and his eating has got a little better since cycle 2. He still has to be careful what he eats or he will bring it back up and that starts his back pain off again and then he doesn't eat again that day.

    Good luck with your consultant tomorrow, fingers crossed for progress, let me know how you get on.

    Let's hope there is something after chemo that's what I keep praying for Pray

    Me and my daughter keep researching clinical trials there must be something for people who can't have immunotherapy.

    All the best for tomorrow Heart️Pray

    Angie xx