Stage Four diagnosis - is there any way back or are we just holding back the tide?

  • 153 replies
  • 57 subscribers

HI all,

I love reading all the positive comments from everyone on here.

I was referred to the One Stop Shop at St Thomas' in September to assess whether chemo and surgery or just surgery was the way to go when I received the devastating news that the PET Scan had picked up metastases in my liver which had not been seen on my Ct scan. No surgery and referral for palliative chemotherapy only.

The consultant Oncologist floored me not only with his prognosis but also the cold, blunt way in which he delivered it. Thankfully the lovely oncology nurse reminded me that his data is based on averages and that I am not average ( age, general health, active lifestyle, great support from family and positive mental attitude all being on my side). 

Just starting my fourth cycle of CAPOX treatment I feel better than I did before I was diagnosed and am suffering minimal side effects, still working and coming up for a review with my oncology consultant - thankfully a new one - early in the New Year.

After all this preamble I guess what I really want to know is whether I could be looking at a reversal of any of the existing tumours or the best I can hope for is no further spread? I know we are all different and have different experiences but I would really appreciate hearing from someone with similar experience to mine.

In the meantime I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year.

  • Hi Angie

    Glad to hear your husband is feeling a little bit better. It really does help getting out in the fresh air and takes your mind off it a little bit as you are focusing on other things. No I haven't had diarrohea with mine (touch wood) and the nausea doesn't seem quite so bad as time goes on. Still have pain in my neck and back at times though.

    I do hope things settle down for him, it is a rollercoaster journey and some days are better than others.

    Take care.


  • Hello guys, glad to hear it’s all going okay with some slight hiccups. Yesterday I had a endoscopy which I was diagnosed with an esophageal tumor in the lower section with it being < 2 cm. I am waiting around for a CT scan and a Biopsy. Do you have any advice as I feel extremely anxious. If I didn’t have the scan I wouldn’t have known I had a tumor. I am hoping for the best but expecting the worst. I’m only 28 so I hope there is a fighting chance if it’s anything bad. 

    Many thanks. 

  • Hi RichHorne,

    Sorry that you find yourself in this situation but you’ve come to the right place for advice and support. Waiting for results is hard but something we’ve all had to go through. Until you have those, there’s not much you can do except try to stay positive. You’re young and it sounds like they’ve caught things early so those are both positives. My main advice at the moment is to have someone else with you when you get your results to remind you afterwards about what was said and discussed. Good luck, CB

  • Hi RichHorne

    Sorry to hear of your diagnosis , it's never easy getting that sort of news.

    I had a similar diagnosis in June last year and my tumour was in a similar position and 4cm. I had 4 rounds of chemo then an op in January to remove which was very successful and now on post op chemo to mop up any microscopic cancer cells. They will decide a treatment plan for you based on the scan which I know is hard waiting for results. I have received excellent care from the start and you definitely have age on your side as I'm 58 yrs. It is a hard difficult journey but you can do it and we are all here to support you

    Best wishes


  • Hi Dean, I’m glad your op was successful and you’re on the mend. When you was diagnosed what stage was you? 

    Many thanks 

  • Hi Vonn

    Hope Andy is doing ok at the moment. I,very been quite rough during the first couple of rounds of chemo so not posted very much.

    Feeling a bit better but still very tired and spaced out. Round 3 next week so will see how that goes but if it's the same I may not get to round 4 as I think my body has had enough chemo. Will discuss with oncologist what my options are.

    Let me know how Andy is doing

    Best wishes


  • Hi RichHorne. Just want you to know that aside from the shock of the diagnosis, the waiting for results is also mentally incredibly hard to deal with. I hope you can share your anxiety with someone close to you. It sounds like they’re on it quick if you’re already waiting for CT and biopsy results. Please reach out to this forum if you have any further concerns as there is a wealth of understanding and compassion here. Keeping my fingers crossed that you get answers very soon. Best wishes, Julie

  • Hi Dean 

    Thanks for thinking of Andy  sorry its been a tough ride for you I hope you're feeling comfortable . Andy is doing OK he's finished his first stage of chemo the 4th one hit him hard but he got through it, tthe post chemo scan showed that the tumour has shrunk and the infected lymph node was good but then had the worry of a shadow on the kidney, after further scans this has thankfully proven to be OK. He had more fitness tests last Thursday and now waiting for a date for surgery . He had to go for a blood infusion today  so he's ready to go once he gets the date . Wow what a journey youre all having . You're all doing so well and so very brave. Stay strong everyone.


  • Hi

    After the scan it was graded at T3 N1 M0. When it came to the op because the tumour was touching the outside lining of the stomach they decided to remove the stomach and join the oesophagus to the small intestine which was extremely successful to the point surgeon said all cancer removed and no residual cells and nodes all clear. My chemo now is to mop up any microscopic cells that might be left. It all sounds very daunting I know but they are brilliant and they will look after you all the way

    Best wishes


  • Hi Vonn

    Yes the chemo is very hard but it sounds like Andy is doing really well which is great news. We all help each other on here which I think is great. I have certainly learnt a lot from others and I like helping where I can too.

    Yes the journey for us all is difficult but together we can do it.

    Best wishes
