Stage Four diagnosis - is there any way back or are we just holding back the tide?

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  • 57 subscribers

HI all,

I love reading all the positive comments from everyone on here.

I was referred to the One Stop Shop at St Thomas' in September to assess whether chemo and surgery or just surgery was the way to go when I received the devastating news that the PET Scan had picked up metastases in my liver which had not been seen on my Ct scan. No surgery and referral for palliative chemotherapy only.

The consultant Oncologist floored me not only with his prognosis but also the cold, blunt way in which he delivered it. Thankfully the lovely oncology nurse reminded me that his data is based on averages and that I am not average ( age, general health, active lifestyle, great support from family and positive mental attitude all being on my side). 

Just starting my fourth cycle of CAPOX treatment I feel better than I did before I was diagnosed and am suffering minimal side effects, still working and coming up for a review with my oncology consultant - thankfully a new one - early in the New Year.

After all this preamble I guess what I really want to know is whether I could be looking at a reversal of any of the existing tumours or the best I can hope for is no further spread? I know we are all different and have different experiences but I would really appreciate hearing from someone with similar experience to mine.

In the meantime I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year.

  • Hi Dean, yes I take paracetamol firstly and only morphine if pain persists.

    Have Capox infusion every 3 weeks through cannula in my hand and tablets at home.

    Good luck with your chemo next week. It's a constant battle but we must stay strong.

    Take care.


  • Yes Carole, you are absolutely right. Stay positive does really help. Not easy at times but I try to push through the bad moments and focus on what is next.

    I have four more cycles of FLOT which is intravenous as well then a scan in May to see if it's gone.

    The histology report was good after the op so that was positive.

    Hope your treatment goes ok

    Best wishes


  • Hi Carole,

    Treatment should start within 2 weeks we was told. 

    You are having the same has my husband but he is having 6 cycles and tablets at home.

    My husband occasionally still has blips and brings his food up its usually when he has his tea.

    He is taking movicol at the moment for his constipation but it doesn't seem to be working.

    Have you been told the next step yet after chemo, can you have immunotherapy unfortunately my husband can't have this, and I know you can only have so many cycles of chemo.

    Best wishes

    Angie x

  • Hi Angie

    Hope your husband is doing ok. He should start in 2 weeks as this is the time frame when on the cancer pathway .

    I start my post op chemo next week and had PICC line in yesterday. I have to say my treatment and op and all appointments have been very well organised. Only problems were availability of chemo drugs on pre op chemo round 4, delayed by a few days and op got moved due to doctors strike around Christmas.

    So minor issues really, I hope it goes well for your husband, the Macmillan nurses are brilliant and they will help your husband with any side effects or pain

    Wish him all the luck and here to chat if you need to

    Best wishes


  • Hi Dean

    We are just awaiting the call now they said he will be called in to meet the chemo nurses first and then a few days later chemo will start, is this correct?

    My husband is staying strong and positive at the moment.

    Yesterday was a terrible ordeal with the blunt way his oncologist was, no empathy at all.

    Hope your post op chemo goes well you are doing great.

    I hope chemo goes well too but I worry what can they do next without immunotherapy.

    Best wishes


  • Hi Angie

    Hopefully your husband's chemo will start pretty soon then.

    No I am also not suitable for immunotherapy, the consultant did say that only 4%-7% were suitable all depends on your biomarkers - I must admit this was a disappointment. Not sure what will happen once chemo stops. There was a mention of radiotherapy? I do worry about what comes next.

    Maybe your husband should go back to the nurses re Movicol not working to see if there is an alternative.

    Take care.

    Carole x

  • Hi Angie

    Yes it shouldn't be long if they are going to call you soon. I don't understand why the oncologist would be so blunt mine has been very good in fact quite laid back if I'm honest, don't know if that's good or not. On the plus side my cancer nurse Fabio is brilliant such a nice fella. He explains everything and is really empathetic to any issues I have had.

    From your post does that mean they can't do an op for your husband?

    If not they should have other options and I'm sure they will try everything possible.

    Stay strong and I'm here if either of you want to chat

    Best wishes


  • Hi Carole,

    We were so disappointed too that he wouldn't be able to have immunotherapy.

    I worry about what comes next, I suppose we just have to take it step by step.

    Stay strong and positive.

    Angie x 

  • Hi Dean,

    Blunt wasn't the word! No positivity at all, talking about palliative care and everything and he hasn't really started treatment yet.

    No op possible due to the spread to the liver.

    Thanks for your support.

    Take care


  • Hi Angie

    Yes I am sure there must be other options we just have to take it step by step and stay strong and positive.

    Take care.

    Carole x