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  • 47 subscribers

well still no clearer spoke to doctor still got wait 6 weeks now we have cancelled last chemo till we have the results and pickle line put back on i know he could have one on his chest but that terrified him so he have the pickle line put back in which i hate as nurse will have to flush it i will not do it , why does it take so long he worry's because of it , which then i do and i get down so i dont intend to eat well im type 2 diabetic so really bad for me , but i get down when your hearing him coughing or really in pain ,its really bad he either wind that's bad or burps all the time he dont sleep well naps so life is sometimes slow i dread the winter as he cant get out so much i could get him to do lawn etc so he got movement but winter what im i suppose to do with him with pickle line no swimming fear it get knocked or gym same reason he not puzzle person or reads a lot we use go driving but have limit that with no money coming in as such ,any one got ideas we were told about some sort of club that cancer people have but that's was 7 months  ago and never given us any more info about it he would go have body massage me nope hate that but he loves them just fed up with lack of info you get sorry just needed to shout out as no one could i talk to and you feel alone , sorry but beyond that he does eat be it told to eat less as stomach now smaller and its blocked up she thinks ,RESULTS WE WAIT FOR SORRY FED UP 

  • Hi onos

    It's Steph here from the Community team. I have responded to your other recent post here to help you find better ongoing support. 

    I just wanted to let you know that we hear you, it's not surprising you're feeling fed up with everything you're going through.

    I hope we can help you feel better supported, please do get back in touch if you would like any further help. 

    By responding here, I have also bumped your posts up the forum so more members might see them and respond to offer some support. You might also want to join one or both of the other forums I suggested.

    I hope you'll come back and tell us how you're getting on.

    Take care, onos.

    Online Community Officer
  • onos, 

    Things have been difficult not only for him, but for you in the past months, have you considered doing anything that will give you some time to recharge?  it can be difficult being the one looking after the person with the diagnosis, it can be that we forget that there are things that we need too..  I see you have so many questions, but I wonder, have you asked him what he would like to do? does he have anything in mind that he would like to achieve? 

    I hope between you, you will find ways to fill the days ahead 


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