Food - shakes - supplements, suggestion/advice please

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Good morning

My growth is at the OG junction, I am swallowing fine, no spicy food, onions or garlic. I have to eat/drink slowly. My 1st meal, porridge tends to go down, no problems as do yogurts. My other meals are then hit and miss, which are becoming more of a miss.

Sorry to be descriptive so early, food goes down, say 3 mouthfuls, I then get tiny burps, then salvia increases, I then bring up clear sticky mucus, sometimes food, sometimes not.  The consultant said (after my staging op) it is very tight down there?

I have my 1st treatment on the 23/10, 1st apt with the oncologist this Thursday

So instead of constantly worrying about how many CALs I am getting each day, does anyone have high calorie supplements , I have brought ensure which are 300cals, I am wanting 500?

Thanks in advance

  • Hello Albert, sure. It is hit or miss as to wether I start to to have symptoms. Symptoms being bring up clear fluid/mucus that is sometimes frothy. Sometimes with the food.. Breakfast is usually the easiest of the meals, porridge or wheatbix. Soups and chicken and brown or Jasmin rice, these are usually 3 mouthfuls and then it’s a stop. The whole process is not only depressing but tiring too.. it is such a relief to now have a shake of 600 cals. 
    The shakes I was given a samples are Nualtra foodlink ultra. These I found to have a slight after taste.

    The other, which I have chosen is Actasolve high energy, both have protein added. 
    The shots I have chosen, which you can add to food or have on their own. nualtra Altrashots 

    hope this helps.  After the CT scan I had a Pet scan. I have an uncommon cancer Neuroendocrine plus it’s aggressive, the Oncologist which I saw yesterday said it is more commonly found in the lung.. 

    I hope you have some answers soon, weirdly it is true what others say, once you know it helps. 
    I live Portsmouth way, my centre is Queen Alexandra (QA) We have a group call splash, the group is made up of people like me just starting on this horrid journey and people who been through it, some 12yrs ago. Your specialist nurse will know a group near you. Anything that gives hope works for me. 

    hope this helps x :-) 

  • Thank you, can’t wait, I will focus on my first foods while I am dealing with my nerves at the first chemo session. 

  • Thanks Jen, you have been very helpful. I am the same as you regarding food tolerances, porridge in the morning goes down ok, I am mashing a banana in it, full cream milk and a big lump of jam. I am currently drinking  Ensure Plus which is 300cal 3 times a day. Don’t really know what I’m doing apart from getting plenty of calories and protein.

    thanks again

    all the best

  • Hi Jenjen, glad you have got sorted with the drinks and I hope all goes well with the chemo.Keep the faith and keep positive as much as you can and you will get there

    All the best

  • Hi GeoFerret, hope all is going well post-op for you and good luck for the future

  • Hi Podgy, what type is your cancer, I am assuming it has responded well to treatment? what did you have?  I have my fingers crossed that my cancer hates the treatment and I can have some food soon.!

    it is hard some days. I have my 1st treatment 1 week today, hopefully the shakes keep going down, I haven't a clue what a J tube is? is that up the nose? 

  • Morning. 

    No idea what sort I have,haven't  asked.

    It completely blocked the entrance  to the stomach, that's why I had a j tube put in.Was fed through that fir 6 weeks, which was awful.

    It has seemed to respond to the chemo well as I can eat anything, which will change again,after my op!!

    Hope you have the same luck and can eat soon.

  • Into the jejunum first part of intestine .Naso gastric tube wouldn't  have worked.