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  • 50 subscribers


Wondering if anyone has managed to get back to the gym after treatment, like doing weights and gaining weight again?

My partner has been doing well last 10 months putting weight on & going when he can but seems lately everytime he starts to train hes throwing up in the gym.

We cant figure out anything hes doing wrong some days hes ok some hes not.

Thanks x

  • I went back to exercise classes rather than weights or aerobics this got me flexible and full movement. I then moved on to Pilates and something called body balance - energetic yoga!
    I just have to be careful to avoid late dumping. Otherwise I have found the gym really good for maintaining my weight.

    Counting the days, making every day count.


  • I had my op last September and finished post-op Chemo in December. I don't do the Gym so I can't advise on that. I can say that I am back to walking 6 miles a day, and last week went swimming 3 times, swimming a mile each time. Added to that are some light dumb bell work and resistance bands. 

    Like BrentS, I have to be careful about eating. I'm still trying to figure out what works for me but avoiding breakfast has helped. If I eat then I make sure I have nothing on for an hour or two afterwards in case I need to rest lying down. Also I have found my pre-op favourite foods (full english/fish and chips) are no longer to my taste. Simplicity is key for me, a piece of meat and fresh veg works every time.

    The more I read on this forum, I realise that there is a big variation in how people recover from the treatment. I hope things get better for your partner. My surgeon said it would take two years to recover.

  • Hi

    I had my op last October so around the same time.  i don’t go to the gym but I am back to walking, in fact as I have been off work I am doing a lot more than before.  I haven’t experienced any sickness luckily but I can’t risk eating before I walk or I can get dumping.  I also haven’t put on any weight in fact I am still losing all be it a lot slower now, I have put this down to my increased activity and the GI nurse at my last checkup seemed ok with that (I found they seem to expect you to put weight on).

    I would be tempted to speak to your doctor or GI team as they should have some idea what’s causing the sickness and if it’s just part of the healing/ getting used to it process. 

    All the best 

  • Thank you, I try to say anything is better than nothing but he only does the weights which is a bit harder for him I guess.

  • @davidhome thank you, its finding your feet I guess a lot of trial and error.  Eating is the hardest and throwing up after, we are trying to figure the best times for him to eat to enable him to go to the gym, he gained the weight again and has kept it on but unable to go back to work yet so going to the gym helps his head I guess and a bit of time out of the house.

  •  thank you for the reply, yes they do expect you to gain I think, we went 2 weeks ago and they said my partner looks amazing (hes a big muscly guy) and couldnt believe he had gained it all again and even the muscle came back but he got the last covid jab in Novemebr and from them he seems to be going backwards.  He tries v hard to eat and be active when he can but the throwing up is def holding him back.  We managed to get in for an MRI last week so just waiting on the results x

  • With regards to gaining weight I think it depends what you weigh beforehand as I was 3 stone overweight and lost this 3 stone after my op last June and haven’t put any back on and I eat often but smaller amounts. I do a lot of exercise though 

  • @browndog hes probably classed as over weight esp before as he carries a hell of a lot of muscle from training, he has gained it all back but a slightly different shape around the middle now, he is doing well just wanted to see if anyone else does weight training and if they find it similar or if it makes them sick, we have been trying to figure if its certain foods or times etc its a bit difficult there is no pattern.

  • I'm having chemo every 3 weeks, just had 4th of 6. I am a gym bunny, and have also had limited side effects and I am back in gym a week after chemo for weights and core, then on the bike after week 2.  I also have an allotment and so can work that to however fit I'm feeling.  I've always been very fit (53) and I believe having a healthy body, diet and mental health will all contribute to the fight.

    I have S4 oesophagul/stomach junctional cancer, and secondary liver mets, but chemo is working and tumours are reducing as are lymph swellings.

    I would personally advocate gym, at quiet times to avoid other humans, and build up slowly.  I want to get out on bike, but too nervous in case I feel ill at all.  That's all about confidence. I am also doing 7k steps minimum and have been on 6 mile plus walls on a number of occasions.

    Hope this helps.

  • Wow, Brysol,

    I'm impressed. I try to stay as fit as possible, but chemo has floored me, it's effects worsening each time. To be honest, I have other chronic illnesses that do not help. My cancer is in the same location as yours. 

    This being said, I try to go for a walk every day. Living in a very hilly area, that provides better work out than a step machine and I'm lucky to live in the countryside (no other gym but nature). 

    I have finished my 4 cycles, still feel ill due to chemo, and I'm waiting to get a date for my surgery. I'm not looking forward to it, nor to the aftermath and subsequent chemo. 

    All the best to you and  all on this forum