Surgery next!

  • 15 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Hi first post I’ve found this forum so helpful! I was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer March 24 this year! ( was struggling with food so went to doctor) . After my diagnosis had my pet scan and laroscopy lucky cancer hadn’t spread outside ! All these test happened so fast ! Then I started flot chemo my last cycle was 30/7 chemo I can tell you the first cycle was a shock to the system by cycles 3and 4 just felt zapped of energy at this point decided to take time of from work to concentrate on building energy/fitness up for surgery! 
I saw surgery team yesterday and have a date for near end of august! Not going to lie I’m so nervous about this op! I know I’m lucky to be offered this but I do worry as a big op and never stayed in hospital overnight!  But I wanted to say since been diagnosed this forum has been so helpful with info so thanks to each of you x I must also say since chemo I’ve been able to eat so much better :) 

  • Hi Nette, 

    You would be normal if you weren't a little worried, after all the are risks involved. I'm right behind you, just had fourth chemo. Waiting for surgical discussions after CT scan soon.

    It's going to be tough no doubt but they'll look after you, keep you pain free, give you nutritional advice and physio to start you off well to recovery.

    One step at a time. Keep positive. Best regards.


  • Thanks geo hope your surgery appointment soon! They explained what they were going to do in my operation ( kept the artwork he drew) aneathatist the same and dietitian gave me a booklet on the stages and suggestions with eating! I’m quite a positive person but like most people I have my moments! 

  • Hi Nette,

    Thanks for your reply. Good to know what's to come. They implied open surgery for me at the beginning of this journey. Was yours the same or keyhole?

    Regards Geo.

  • Hi they said keyhole ( which I was more relieved with)


  • Hi both Geo we have spoken before and I hope you are ok. My husband had is operation 10 days ago, he also had a tumour removed from his bowel. He was very anxious about the operation however it went very  well and surgeon did keyhole for part of it, in fact they were phoning me over an hour before they said they would. They took all lymph nodes in the area and felt confident that the operation was a success. He did have a chest infection and was kept in critical care a little longer but I think this is quite common with this type of operation. He was very anxious regarding the op but it has to be done. So don’t worry too much, the surgeons and their teams are experts in this field of surgery and this op will save your lives. You will come through it as many on here have. Good luck to you both. PS when I spoke to hubby yesterday he had eaten soup, ice cream and a yogurt 

  • Apologies Nette I should of mentioned your name as message was for you too.

  • That’s ok I was meant to have my operation 23/8 but got a call to come in 9/8 I’m currently sitting in high dependency ward working on getting a bigger cough operation went went I’ve been up and walking around couple of drains chest drain hurts the most especially at night x but glad to be herex

  • I should also say they didn’t think I needed a feeding tube ! Had keyhole to so was surprised to not have as much stuff attached waiting for food now still sips of water x have you a date yet geo?

  • Hi Poppop,

    Thanks for your message. Fourth chemo over and contrast CT scan done. Cancer nurse rang to let me know they had discussed my case at this week's MDT meeting and that she was pleased to tell me that my tumor had shrunk in response to the chemo. Great news indeed. Next is an appointment with the surgical team but don't have a date for that right now. The nurse implied that my op would be around the end of September but no date set right now.

    Best regards. Hope you're doing ok.


  • Oh sounds good Nette, you sound like your op went same as hubby’s he was moved from high dependency yesterday and still has terrible cough when I saw him tonight.he has not had feeding tube either and has had yogurt, ice cream and soup. I hope you will be feeling better soon x