
  • 5 replies
  • 45 subscribers

hi all

wonder if someone can help.  My brother had op to remove tumour in oesophagus around 8 weeks ago.  The op went really well but ever since he came home from hospital he has a constant feeling of sickness and occasionally being sick he is on 3 lots of anti sickness pills.  Has anyone got any tips that may help this situation.  He’s feeling miserable as doesn’t want to eat because of the constant sick feeling.  Will this feeling eventually go.  Many thanks for your help Xx

  • Hi

    Does your brother suffer from acid reflux, this can make you feel or be sick, bringing up excess acid?

    I had Ivor Lewis 5 years ago and regularly had problems with acid reflux for first 2 years and still have this now and again, usually with some foods or if I eat to near going to bed or if I slid down my pillows when sleeping. Ask GP for an acid inhibitor. I was taking lanzoprazol 30mg twice daily, now down to 15mg once a day. I also found gaviscon helped sometimes. And when I ate home made popcorn it seemed to be gentle on my stomach. When the acid was making me feel sick, I made myself sick. Horrible as this was it reduced the length of discomfort, allowing me to get back to sleep within 15 minutes or so as it usually happened to me during the night.

    Hope this helps. Tell him to hang in as it does get better, once you get a handle on what, when and how much you can eat without updating his system.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ekingfife

    Hi Eddie thank  you for replying.  The reflux seems to be under control with lanzaporole gaviscon etc. But he wakes in the morning feeling sick and this feeling lasts all day lasts all day, preventing him from eating if he does manage to have a fortisip it comes back up.  He’s recently had oesophagus stretched so that’s not the problem. I wonder if this feeling will settle down as time goes on.  He can drink water ok.   I feel that once he can eat he will start to get better.  

  • FormerMember

    Hello Elie, 

    Just read your post,My  husband had the same operation in August and had the same complaint until he was put on Metoclopramide,this did the trick, as your Brother tried these?.

    Good wishes to you and your Brother. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi thank you Pray tone1 for your reply I don’t think he has tried Metoclopramide we can mention this to the oncologist.  Thank you.  Hope your husband is progressing well. Xx

  • Hi Ellie, sorry to hear about your brother. Was he on any anti-sickness medication in hospital? And was he eating ok in hospital? Is he sleeping well propped up to avoid acid reflux? I was also advised by my surgeon never to lie on my left side as the acid would run from my new stomach which can cause the acid reflux. If he was not feeling sick in hospital and eating ok before being sent home try comparing and see if he is doing anything different since coming home. Is soup even a problem? I had to have my gullet dilated about 8 weeks after the surgery, but I never had any sickness problems. Good luck and kind regards Frank.