OC cancer spread to liver

  • 51 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi Vonn/Amanda,

We met with the consultant yesterday and after reviewing all the scans we were told the cancer has spread to the liver.

They won't be able to operate now, we meet with the oncologist next to discuss treatment plan.

Tony is a fighter and will never give up.

I am utterly devastated but trying to stay strong.


  • Hi Hope1422

    Pleased to hear your treatment is going well. My tumour was in exactly the same place, end of oesophagus and on outer lining of stomach. I was fortunate in that they could operate and they have removed my stomach. I had 4 rounds of FLOT before op and my post op FLOT is starting on March 18th, another 4 rounds.

    Surgeon was very happy with the op and said all cancer was removed and only 1 lymph node out of 68 removed was bad.

    Eating is proving quite difficult in that some foods don't agree with me but hoping that will get better soon.

    Wish you all the best in your ongoing treatment.

    Best wishes


  • Hi Blossom01,

    How is your husband doing? And how are you?


  • Hi angie 

    So so sorry to read this post !! Hoping that they come up with a treatment plan very soon . Stay strong sweetheart Sparkling heart 

    Sending hugs and positive thoughts to you .


  • Hi Vonn

    We will never give up and will remain strong Heart️

    Our daughter has been fantastic and will be my rock throughout.

    How is your husband doing? 


  • Hi Angie and everyone else who is going through this. 
    im going to be honest from the moment we found out he seemed to deteriorate, he was still working a manual job on a building site, he is someone who is on his feet all the time, non stop but this has wiped him out completely. After the second chemo session he got pins and needles in his hands, they were cold and felt like electric shocks, he wore gloves for ages, he had lost a stone and half the last time he was weighed, I am sure it’s more now. He is lethargic with no get up and go for about 16 days after chemo, then he just starts to recover and eat again before the next round of chemo. He has stomach ache a lot, feels sick which has been the worst thing for him and the reason he went to the hospital. This time his legs ached and feet and he had a pain down his side that took his breath away. His eating slowly gets better through the three weeks, and he has random things he wants, so whatever he asks for I get him, it’s random flavours of crisps and cream cakes. Can’t have cold drinks for about a week, so I warm everything for him. 
    He has not returned to work and i dont expect he will anytime soon, he can’t walk far. McMillan were fabulous, they sorted a disability badge and pip payment for him. Getting sickness meds sorted helped a lot and morphine.
    I am forever hopeful reading people journeys and recoveries, I am coping is the best way to describe it, I try to be the positive one, love and support from friends and family keep me going. 
    I hope this helps, please remember everyone’s journey is different, I took to this site for answers especially at the beginning and the unknown, what’s to come. It’s a horrible nightmare. 
    sending love and hugs xx

  • Hi Angie

    That is exactly the right attitude to have. It is difficult I know but I saw your daughter's post the other day and it was so nice to see. A whole family pulling together against a horrible disease. 

    I think it's lovely and I hope things can get better for you all and I will be here for you if needed. I'm not an expert or specialist but I can be here to listen and help.

    Best wishes


  • You have all been wonderful and gave my mother hope, that's why I have now joined. I have spent hours reading through everyone's journeys and it's so inspirational to listen to and my heart goes out to you all. I do hope you all have loving families who help you through these tough times. 

    Tony and Angie will never be alone as I will be with them every step of the way, I have been attending all the appointments with them as Im the one who writes everything down as I know how overwhelming loads of information can be. 

    I take my dog to see his nanny and grandad often as he adores them and brings some happiness and laughter to the household. 

    I will continue to fight and do as much as I can for them both through this horrible journey. 

    I send my love to you all as I may not be going through it personally but I'm always happy to listen.

    Good luck and take care x

  • Hi Blossom 01

    It really sounds like your poor husband is really going through it. I had neuropathy too (pins and needles) and it was horrible. If my hands or feet got cold it was like electric shocks and really painful.

    I have had my op after 4 rounds of chemo and eating for me isn't great. Some foods I just can't face, milk is a no no and some leave me nauseous afterwards.

    I too have a physical job and I'm quite fit but at times I feel wiped out too. It must be hard for you too but we are all here for you if you need us

    Best wishes


  • Bless you Kayles

    So kind of you to say that and you are most welcome. I am lucky to have a very supportive family and lots of kind friends and neighbours. It is a very difficult and horrible journey to be on and to have such support is amazing

    I do hope they can help Tony and we are all here for you if you need someone to talk to

    Best wishes


  • Hi angie 

    That's the spirit keep fighting xx  so pleased that you have your daughter for support as we do too but it's sometimes a  very lonely place to be .

    Thank you for asking about Andy he had his 4th chemo on Friday and is feeling very weak now which is to be expected Thinking   he's concerned as the macmillan nurse said he has to push himself to get fit enough for surgery , I'm sure he can do this once he's over the latest session. 

    Keep smiling and stay strong 
