stent to be offered due to hernia done instead of tumour

  • 2 replies
  • 52 subscribers
  • i know what stent is
  • why why was it not seen 
  • had op date so happy he had 4 chemo's with all mri scans cameras but no one saw it hidden by hernia
  • treatment for oesophageal now on hold because of it 
  • told they dont need to do shark attack now as tumour is at rear of oesophageal and very small but has been delayed as this op been done first he had stage3
  • we told they we not going to do hernia so not happy
  • we been waiting for bio of what ever was found for a week now as he recovers in hospital to slow!!
  • all they told him is they will put a stent in what!! he wants tumour out
  • is the stent in for ever or while he recovers from surgery as i understand recovery from hernia is 6 months or more
  • how life over he was looking at by sept  to be back at work as will no help with any thing
  • i work as someone needs money coming in but if its not going to be done i will forced to give up to go on benefits with him 
  • his pride been hurt he does not see life any more
  • all his chemo  waste of time he says no more unable to convince him 
  • just so confused if its cancer of bowel the mass was at rear of bowel they did removed a huge amount of it its was as he describe glue stuff wrapped round hernia 
  • not sure of what i can do to help can not sit and watch him slowly die
  • i know he down he had so much hope on this op and now nothing see life ended 
  • worried as he want have any more if the bio dont come back soon no chance if its more cancer he not want any more chemo just worried 
  • and if it is  cancer yes we know that can be something done mean while the tumour in oesophageal is at risk of spreading if not removed his heart and lung are clear 
  • he lost 4 stone already while in chemo's but beyond normal things ie tired hungry bile etc he did really well ate most of time towards last 4th chemo was able to eat quite well but now from all of this bloody sorry mass and confusion he back to beginning he had 2 more chemo's to do after op but that not happen now
  • he never had any issue with his bowel before chemo or while in chemo's so just confused
  • not sure what going to happen just  dont see a end any where and that's going to be huge problem how to convince him LIVE AND TRY
  • Hi Ono's, 

    Wow you sound beside yourself with the anxiety and worry of it all. So many questions. It sounds as if it's you more than your husband who needs help.

    Every one on here are at different stages of treatment and each step had its own worries. You will no doubt get done advice off those who have been through similar but really your best plan is to take all those questions to the specialist nurses at your hospital and talk them through so that you better understand all the decisions that have been made.

    All about some counselling support for yourself too. You'll make yourself ill and won't be able to help your husband. 

    All the best from me. Keep posting on here anyway. It helps to let it out.

  • I would suggest you speak to your husbands Specialist nurse ..She will be able to answer some of your questions ..My husband’s specialist nurse was always available to answer any questions and queries  I had ..She’s been a tower of strength for me and my husband too .If your husband was given a care plan folder the phone number will be in there ..I found taking things in small bite size pieces helped so I could sort out all the practical side of the whole experience without becoming overwhelmed by trying to do everything at once .Yes there’s lots to sort out but it is doable if you source the right help and advice ..Macmillan advisors and Citizens Advice are very good if you need assistance in the financial side of all this .Take a deep breath ..set out a to do list and work your way through it one at a time ..All the Best to you both