
  • 4 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Hi, my husband has recently had his second round of chemotherapy.  Docetaxal and Oxaliplatin.  He has started suffering really badly when his hands get cold.  He says they are really painful with pins and needles.  Can anyone suggest the best type of gloves for him to wear when he goes outside.  I have looked online but there are such a huge amount to choose from.  Thanks.

  • Hi,

    I don’t know much about gloves but there are some very good thermal options available, have a look at the reviews to see what people do/don’t recommend.  Strangely I read that for chemo neuropathy cold compression gloves can be effective but that doesn’t sound a good idea for your husband’s already cold hands.

    Have you asked his oncologist or the GI nurses for a recommendation? They must have come across this before and they might have a more positive idea to suggest - as you said there are just so many different gloves and you want to get it right.

    Best wishes to you both with his treatment. 

    J x

  • Hi

    i am experiencing exactly the same issue, it’s the Oxaliplatin.
    I bought myself a pair of thin but insulated gloves on Amazon that have fingertips that allow the use of phones or tablets. They go some way to help but are not perfect. I also have a slightly larger pair of “Thinsulates” for over the top when venturing out in cold weather. I also find it’s not just the cold but also pressure, so for instance pulling socks on in a morning can be a little painful. The good news is that a few days after each chemo cycle the tingling subsides considerably and I can tolerate it enough to get on with gardening, DIY etc.

    Putting your hands around a hot mug of tea or coffee gives good relief.

    Good luck.

  • Thank you for your response.  I will have a word with our macmillan nurse.

  • Thank you for your response.  Unfortunately the tingling does not seem to subside.  I will have a chat with our MacMillan nurse and have another look at Amazon.