Incurable and inoperable

  • 33 replies
  • 59 subscribers

So yesterday my husbands diagnosis changed to incurable and inoperable Cry

The staging was T3 N3 M1

Four days after our first meeting , they have said that it's in lymph nodes in  the stomach . 

we do have a 2nd opinion at the Marsden on Wednesday .  Drugs mentioned are capecitabine and Oxaliplatin. Also potentially pembrolizumab and potentially Tradtuzumab.

Feeling pretty anxious this morning , my husband has taken the news really badly . I'm trying to give optimism, I can't help that . I'm an optimistic person . 

They said they need to stabilise and try to shrink . I'm hopeful the will start feeling better once treatment starts as I've heard good things . 

 I just hate the doom and gloom at the meetings , it's like anything I say they shut me down to not build any hope , I get it , but it's so rough . 

Luckily my family are supportive ,father in law is a really great  support system and also people on this forum .  

Living nightmare 


  • Hi Tricia 

    I'd definitely be asking for a 2nd opinion on this. If the only mestasis is in lymph nodes and they are near the original tumour then it's usually classed as only locally advanced which shouldn't affect having the operation. They would routinely remove local nodes and a fair amount of his stomach anyway during the procedure 

    Good luck at The Marsden Pray

    Anthony x

  • Thanks Anthony 

    The dr said there are affected lymph nodes in the lower stomach . 

    I just feel like a death sentence was handed to us last night . Trying to fight the negative thoughts 



  • Sorry I meant Tiff, damn you auto correct! 

  • Hi tiff

    sorry to hear this news and that your positivity is being crushed Frowning2️ nothing I can say expect keep fighting a lot of people defy the odds 

    sending love and strength 

    Tricia x

  • Tricia, I promise my positivity is coming back. 

  • Hello Tiff. I'm sorry about the latest update. It's pretty stunning when they tell you. My husband's OC and spread is very similar. However, treatment is working well so far and we're staying hopeful for at least another couple of Christmases.

    Sending love,


  • Tiff, My beautiful friend. Your positivity, zest for life and unwavering optimism will get you guys through this terrible new news and onto the next step. As the others on here say that second opinion is paramount, arm yourself with all the questions from the experiences of others you can gain on this forum and once treatment commences you never know what happens patient care plans and outcomes can change so dramatically. Baby steps, one day at a time. We all got you Heart️

  • Thankyou beautiful Heart️

  • Hello Tiff

    Our story goes back a long way but it started just like yours.

    In 2008 my husband was diagnosed with OC and, because of engorged lymph nodes, it was deemed too dangerous to operate.  He was offered chemo - ECX - and told that at best it would give him a bit longer.  He took the treatment (8 cycles) well and after a few months and another scan the senior radiologist rang and said the tumour had almost disappeared and the lymph nodes were normal. We were in shock but obviously also very confused as to what the options would now be.

    The oncologist spoke to the surgeon again and, after a review, he agreed to operate.  11 months after diagnosis my husband had a full oesophagectomy and he is now living a normal life (whatever that is these days).

    I wanted to share this with you because you have had little positive support from the medical team and you deserve better. I really hope The Marsden are more positive and they can suggest treatment in a kinder way.  There’s always hope, we had none at the beginning and that changed in time - I wish you the same.

    All good wishes for tomorrow x

  • You have no idea how much joy this has given me reading this.

    you've strengthened my hope which has taken a bit of battering . 

    Thank-you,  I'm so happy for you and your family.
