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I'm new here and had a Ocular Melanoma diagnosis a month ago. 

I have been monitored yearly, because of a large choroidal nevus for the last 13yrs. 

A month ago I had the dreaded checkup in Glasgow where they sit you down and say 'cancer" 

I have two options PBT or eye removal, I have opted for PBT. 

Although it is a large mole I have got some positive hope that it is contained and not spread so far!  Because my optic nerve is in the middle of the affected area I have been told that I probably will lose all sight in my right eye. 

I am a member or Ocumel and have just found this page. 

  • Hi

    sorry to hear about that. I was diagnosed with OM just over 2 years ago and had plaque radiotherapy. Have lost some sight but the good eye has compensated for it in the main. You too should find that. Try to just take one day at a time and good luck on the journey that you don’t want to be on