Newly diagnosed

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  • 12 subscribers

Hi everyone, I am a 47 year old married lady with three children, ages between 16-23 and a soon to be 4 yr old grandson. 

my world was thrown apart on the 18th of December when I went for a eye test thinking I needed glasses, I have always had amazing vision so never had an eye test (stupid mistake) Anyway upon doing my sight test they found a lesion in my eye and transferred me to my local eye hospital, fast forward 2.5 weeks I had all the test and they couldn’t decide if I had cancer or not, I had a few suspicious signs, so they transferred me to Liverpool. 
Fast forward another 2.5 weeks and I have had all the tests up here, they still can’t give me a definitive answer they are saying it’s a mole or cancer, I have 3 out of 6 suspicious signs. I was given the choice to leave it and see if it changes, in the mean time it could spread if it is cancer or have the plaque radiotherapy to get rid of whatever it is. I chose the plaque and because I did they are diagnosing me with eye cancer. I was offered a biopsy at the same time but was told because it’s small and in the wrong place there’s a chance of not getting a good reading and it could make me blind.  I am not sure I’ve made the right decision on not having the biopsy as now I live my life not actually knowing I have a mole or cancer. 
and this is where I am now, in Liverpool just had the plaque removed and heading down (6 hours in a car) later today, then fly home (isles of Scilly) in a couple of days.

i feel lost and scared and dont know what life holds, I will get 6 monthly liver scans, but is this enough not knowing if I am high risk. 
anyway be good to chat and see how your all getting along 


  • Hi Scilly chick

    sorry to hear of all this! I was diagnosed with OM 19 months ago and had Plaque Radiotherapy in Liverpool. I opted not to go for the biopsy. I’m not quite sure what you are asking but  wishing you all the best going forward. It’s a shock and stress for sure. I was given all-clear on my 6 monthly liver scan yesterday just prior to my daughter’s 18th birthday party.  It’s never easy


  • Hi, not sure what I am asking either Rofl

    just really new and you don’t get a lot of time to talk it through with the doctors, they were definitely pushing me towards not having the biopsy, just finding it hard not actually knowing if I have om or a mole, in my view if I have some suspicious signs I can’t see it being a mole, but the doctors said it’s not enough to give the diagnosis, but I’ll get the scans anyway, just had my first and it’s clear.

    so glad your still clear and you got to enjoy your child’s 18th.

    This has been the worst part of my life so far but it’s also madee appreciate it more.

    take care and thanks for the reply.