Annual diabetic retinal screening.

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Good morning everyone,    I've just got back from my annual diabetic retinal screening photograph taking, you know the one, vinegar in the eye and partially blind for the rest of the day.  The young lady asked about gloucoma and cateracts but was in total ignorance about my coroidal melanoma.   For some reason I have been missed off the list for a couple of years and this is when the melanome showed itself during an annual eye test at my optitians.

I'm about to write a letter (no email yet) requesting a reason why this state of affairs came about and to request a copy of all the files containing photographs of my eyes.

Wish me luck!   Cheers,  Tony.

P.S. I typed out this communication before realising I hadn't given it a title.  I clicked in the appropriate box and my message dissapeared and I couldn't find out how to get it back so had to type it out all over again!