Solution for hair loss in child.

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  • 4 subscribers

Hello, I'm new to this site. I've joined because I'd welcome ideas from people who have experience of the issue below. My niece's 10 year old son is recovering from brain cancer. His treatment was fairly brutal including surgery, radiotherapy and chemo which he completed in late 2019 so now we're into the five year wait.

The problem is that, 14 months on from the end of treatment, and his hair shows no sign of growing back. This is depressing him and he refuses to wear a 'hair system' because he knows the hair isn't his own. Any ideas from people who have overcome a similar issue would be very welcome.

Thank you in advance.

  • Hi WelshGirl58

    I am sorry to read that your great nephew is not showing any signs of hair re-growth, but how fantastic to read that he is recovering from brain cancer.

    Unfortunately, I am unable to offer any sound advice here, and as this site is adult focused, I am unsure that the advice given to an adult in this situation would be the same as given to a young person.

    Can I suggest 

    CLIC Sargent A charity dedicated to young people who have been diagnosed with cancer - Website:   they specialise in young people who have experience of cancer and have a Chat to Us section on their site, should you choose to contact them, they may be able to provide some suitable advise to pass on to your Great Nephew, or to your Niece. 

    I am sorry I am unable to give better advice, but I hope that this is information is of use.

    Good Luck


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