Parent of Child with Wilms tumor

  • 5 replies
  • 4 subscribers

Hi I'm Rachel, my son has just been diagnosed with Wilms Tumor - kidney cancer. He started treatment on Thursday and we are already back in hospital . Just wanted to say hi to any other parents of children with Wilms and children with cancer and autism. 

  • Hello Rachel,

    I'm sorry to see that you haven't had any responses in this group. I guess we should be thankful that a group about children's cancers isn't more lively but I can imagine it might be disappointing to not get a response to your first post.

    I noticed that you've joined several other groups and I hope that you're finding the support that you need in those. I think this particular group isn't used very frequently but you'll get good advice around the site.

    Best wishes


    “Scars are tattoos with better stories.” – Anonymous

  • FormerMember

    Hi Rachel, I’m Claire my son was diagnosed with Wilms got results on Friday afternoon.  Feeling very shocked.  He starts chemotherapy on Wednesday, he had his kidney removed 5 weeks ago.

    what treatment is your son having ? I’m sending all my very best wishes for him and your family


  • Hi

    I just ran a quick check for you and the original poster hasn't posted in the last 10 month so I think it's possibly unlikely that she'll get back to, especially since we've been having some terrible problems with the site alerts.

    I don't know anything about this type of cancer but I did a quick search and found this post from about a month ago where somebody has given another mother in your position some advice.  You might also find some help in the Kidney Cancer group, although I suspect this it quite different from adult-onset kidney cancers.

    Best wishes


    “Scars are tattoos with better stories.” – Anonymous

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to barbaral

    Hi there. I'm not sure if it's helpful but my child was treated for Wilm's, despite a different diagnosis. I bet you're feeling overstretched and overwhelmed right now? Survival mode sort of kicks in doesn't it, making us hyper vigilant and anxious. I lived like this for years. But I learned a lot and you know, I'm so happy to say my child pulled through all the treatment and worry and is now studying A levels Slight smile

    I hope you have the support you need for your child, your family and for you. It's important to look after yourself. Your child doesn't want to worry about you on top of what they have to deal with. They want you to be ok. This is hard. You probably already know it's so tempting to neglect yourself or reject support but it makes a big differejce to be able to lean on pwople around you. Thinking of you. 

  • Hi Rachel, I’m in the same boat, my 3 year old son was diagnosedw 3 weeks ago. 4 weeks of chemo and then his op is in 2 weeks time. They’ll only know the stage once the tumour is out so that’ll be another week of waiting. Did your son have chemo before the op? How’s he doing now?