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Hi I’m leanne I had stage 2b cervical cancer in 2023 completed all treatment all scans since have been clear but now I’m getting pelvic/low back pain also sometimes pain down my left leg and pain in my left hip I’m really worried, has anyone had this a year after treatment and it been ok? Also when I go for a bowel movement I get bad pain after and after sex but this has only just started happening xx 

  • Hi Leanne , i had stage 3b , i had radiotherapy, chemo for five weeks and brachy for three days . Ive been in remission for just over a year - i have no symptoms now but i do have pains in my legs sometimes and also i have noticed my  hearing is slightly affected as i have developed tinnitus . My bowels are ok ish but when i need to go i have to go , can't really hold it - I am so sorry you are so worried . I have had all my follow ups and everything is fine . It is always in the back of my mind for sure ‘what if what if’ but im trying to live for everyday now . I know its difficult - i hope the group can help support you - i can really identify with how you are feeling x 

  • Hi Debbie are you still clear? What was the pain in your legs? My bowels was so bad after treatment but then they calmed down but now everytime I go toilet for bowel movement or even just a bit of wind I get a really sharp pain in my belly, recently after sex I get a pain in my belly as well (not during sex after sex) hope your ok now hun xx

  • Hi Leanne 

    Yes I’m still clear - I have another follow up in November . I would agree with Sarah and reach out to your team to ask for an appointment sooner just so you can put your mind at ease and find out xx 

  • Hi Leanne, I know exactly how you’re feeling. I was diagnosed with Stage 2A in 2018. I had radio, chemo and brachytherapy. I was pregnant at the time, so had to have a medical termination too. I finished treatment in July 2018. Since then all my scans have been clear, thank god! However, a few months after the end of treatment I started with menopause symptoms. 6 months later I started with the worst hip pain I could imagine. Hips/lower back were in agony. After months of searching for a solution I found a masseuse who was brilliant. She straight away said it was muscles at the top of the bum cheeks. As she said this she pressed on my side and I screamed. Try that out, too outta side of both bum cheeks. It’s all connected so once those muscles become less tight, it doesn’t pull on your lower back. 
    A year ago I started up with the hip pain/ lower back pain again. This time a lot of pain in the legs too. I’ve recently seen a urologist and gastro doc because of a couple issues which I’ve had from the start but never really brought it up. Didn’t want to complain of something else! I was told my vagina was shorter and narrow due to the radiotherapy, as is my urethra. When I was told this, I’m sure the hip and lower back pain is from the radiotherapy. If it’s damaged my vagina muscles, it’s logical it’s damaged my hip/pelvic muscles. 
    As I said above, muscle helps especially when u find the right person. It took me 6 months to so to find my Innocent 

    As for the worry, that will get better with time. For now though, it’s normal you worry. You’ve been through hell & back!! After 6 years I’m doing better in that respect although I still, to this day, when I go to the loo, I check the tissue for blood. 
    I was 36 when this happened to me. 11 weeks pregnant and a mother of 2. It was hard and continues to be hard. We do our best to cope. I’m sure you have good days and bad days. With time, you’ll have many more good days than bad. I’m still dealing with the mental aspect. Dealing with the loss of my baby and the physical impacts. I was so fit & healthy. I struggle that my life has changed so much BUT I am grateful that I’m still here with my family. I’m working and living as normal a life as possible.

    and hope, always have hope. And Faith. I survived because of my faith in god and how I felt protected and guided. Keep your mind and heart positive and love each day at a time.

    feel free to reach out if you need someone to chat to x

  • Hi  and welcome to our group.

    I don’t think I’ve seen you posting before, so thank you for sharing your experience. It’s good you’ve find something which helps you-I still suffer from hip pain on one side after 6 years too, and it’s true that pelvic radiotherapy can have lasting effects. 

    I’m so sad to read that you had to have a termination-I can’t imagine how difficult that must have been to deal with for you. I don’t think that’s something anyone would get over but have you ever had any counselling to help? 

    I definitely agree with you on always having hope, and faith-your advice here is spot on. I presume after 6 years you’ll have been discharged now from follow ups-I am expecting my last patient led follow up will be early next year, as I reach the six year from diagnosis point this month too. 

    I hope you continue to do well and now that you’ve joined us, you may want to consider replying to some of the other posts which come up where you’ve been through similar. It’s  always helpful to have others share experiences for new posters.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Sarah, thanks for your reply. Yes, I’ve had counseling and I continue to have. With the side effects I have, I’m still in & out of hospital.

    ive joined the group to speak to others who have gone through similar experiences and to also help others who are just starting their treatment etc Talking helps so much and getting advice and support from fellow survivors or those going through treatment really does help. 

    its been a rough year for me and so I wanted to join a support group that would allow me to speak to others without the worry of judgement 

    here for everyone and anyone who needs support xxx

  • Hi  

    I’m really glad you’ve joined us, and hope you’ll find it helpful for you as well as you being able to help others. So many ladies move on and we unfortunately don’t hear how they are doing, so I appreciate that you’re going to stick around! 

    Talking is definitely very helpful I’ve found-I didn’t join the group until I had finished all my treatment, and I did find life a bit lonely, so I do appreciate now being among others who can understand what this is like.

    I’m pleased to have you with us!

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Mel sorry it’s took so long to reply Iv been feeling poorly, can I ask what side effects you still get please x

  • Hi  

    While you’re waiting for   to reply, can I ask if you’ve managed yet to phone for an appointment to get checked out/try and get your scan brought forward? I do hope so.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Sarah yes I phoned up they said it’s probably late side effects from radiotherapy and too keep my eye on the pain and if it gets worse phone them back xx