Secondary breast cancer spread to bones

  • 19 replies
  • 32 subscribers

I’m still waiting for my PET scan results but my oncologist was quite certain that the leision on my femur was suspicious from my MRI. I had to wait 7 weeks before I was told this news, I kept getting deferred appointments which I put down to being okay as they normally get in touch if it’s bad news, so I was really shocked to hear the diagnosis over the phone! 
 I am getting shooting pains in my arms and legs now, really scared that by the time I get treatment, I will be in advance stages, I’m terrified. 

Is anyone going through diagnosis and treatment for bone cancer? It would be very helpful to hear your stories and how you are coping with treatment. Thank you Pray 

  • Hi  

    I don't have the experience you're looking for but I noticed that you post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list again.

    Do you have a date yet to find out what your treatment will be?

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi

    finished breast cancer treatment last year, then  Found out l had a new primary cancer which is oesophageal cancer it is inoperable but treatable (l am now having, treatment) I had the usual scans before treatment and I have now been told l have secondary breast cancer in  T3 and T1 area of the back , treatment is be held off for this until I finish my oesophageal cancer treatment , so my oncologist team has told me I will be having injections for this bone cancer starting in August 2024.. they seem positive about treatment and at the moment I am coping well with my health considering I am having chemotherapy and radiotherapy for the oesophageal cancer so l am so grateful for this l just forget about the cancer issues and carry on as normal, because the more I think about it the worse l am 

    I was told last week about the secondary cancer and I believe that had taken six weeks from the scans ,  but it was only picked up because of the oesophageal cancer otherwise I don’t think I would have known it was there.


  • Hi lve got secondary breast cancer metastasis to spine ribs and sternum. I was diagnosed April 7th. Still not started treatment.  Very bad pain affects my gait.   I've been referred to hospice for pain relief but so far l can't tolerate side effects.   Clatterbridge on Wednesday.  I'm terrified.       I don't want chemo but happy to try something else x  Good luck to you x

  • I don't know how to use this forum SobSobSob l want advice from anyone with spinal metastasis  x

  • Hi  

    The best way to find others who have spinal metastasis is to start your own post.

    To do this from here, click on the heading 'secondary breast cancer forum > new here, say hello' at the top of this page.

    On the page that opens you should see '+create new post'. Click on that which will open a page for you to start a post.

    First give your post a subject, ie 'Looking to contact people with spinal metastasis' and then type what you want to say in the 'description' box. Once you've finished, click 'Post'.

    If you click here, the help article 'how do I start a discussion' will give you further information on creating discussions.

    I hope this helps but do get back to me if you need further help.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi I was diagnosed with primary bc in 1989, had lumpectomy but it returned in 2011, had mastectomy but it had metastesised to my lung in 2012 and in 2021 to my pelvis. I had radiotherapy followed by treatment every month... butt injections (bit painful), a bone preserving injection and palbociclib tablets 3 wks out of 4, 1 wk rest and restart. Side effects of weakness, nausea and fatigue are bearble; I rest a lot and trying to be kind to myself when I can't do what I used to. My life isn't over, it's just different now. I surround myself with friends and family and my faith helps enormously. Xxx

  • I know your post was 11 days ago but what would you like to know. I have spinal metastasis how can i help lol xx

  • Thanks.  Feeling flat.

    I don't want the chemo +++but having radiotherapy on Monday and monthly injections ( bisfosphanates) from Wednesday.. worried about side effects. 

    Thanks wino.


  • I am like you spine, ribs, sternum and everywhere inbetween. You say you are going to get radiotherapy on Monday this really helped me with the pain. I had a collapsed vertebrae and had to have it cemented and was in a lot of pain. I was told radiotherapy would help with the pain and i did not think for one minute it would. I was told by oncologist it would take 6 weeks to kick in and it did exactly 6 weeks. I went from a pain of 8 out of 10 to 2 out of ten. I had no side effects from radiotheraphy and if any arise the staff are fantastic and will help you all the way.  Chemo, most of us with bone cancers are offererd tablet form of chemo. One a day for 3 on 1 week off. In my honest opinion i have never had a problem with them i was on palbociclib and they kept me stable for 4 years with no side effect, i just felt normal. Now i know not everyone can manage chemo for all sorts of reasons but i would urge you to at least try it and dont dismiss it completly. I went about my daily life as normal. Its early days for you at the moment and its all appointments, scan, bloods and it gets overwhelming at times. I am not gointg to say try to stay positive and dont worry as that would be wrong of me, all we can do is face each scan, bloods, radiotherapy as it comes and do the best we can on that day. I have been secondary for over 4 years and even now the bloods and scans i have throw a spanner into the works and i am complety thrown off balance. They say its like being on a roller coaster and sometimes it is. I will wish you all the best and never say never to chemo its kept me here for 24 years in total. xx

  • What a kind thoughtful woman you are.

    I've been prescribed  ribociclib but the potential side effects frightenen me . I have spinal cord compression which sounds worse than cancer and lm glad your treatment has helped you ( spinal cement) l too had a spinal fracture.  

    I'm 65 so had my life in lots of respects.  Thankyou for your message today.  

    Much love and luck to you xxx