Stage IV breast cancer with brain mets

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  • 27 subscribers

Hi Everyone, Unfortunately I am joining the group that nobody wants to belong to. I was diagnosed with Stage IIIb IDC ER8, PR0, HER neg in March this year and underwent lumpectomy and wide local excision in May and re-excision in June. 5/13 lymph nodes were cancerous. I started EC x3 in August to be followed by Docetaxel x3 not without problems. Cycle 1 saw a PICC line infection and clots so PICC line removed and Hickman inserted. Cycle 2 saw my BP plummet so I was forever passing out and became dehydrated. Cycle 3 I suffered neutropenic sepsis and was in hospital for 10 days, 2 days after cycle 4 I had a headache that wouldn’t go with painkillers and then started vomiting. After a further trip to A&E and an MRI scan I have was told last week that cancer has metastised to my brain and I have several large tumours both sides. I saw the oncologist on Monday and she is convinced that this spread before I had lumpectomy.

Everything has happened very quickly and I am still trying to process this information. I am having Hickman line removed tomorrow, all further chemo has now stopped on my breast and I am undergoing whole brain radiotherapy next week. I am managing pain with dexamethasone, morphine and have started Letrozole

Is there anyone on the forum in a similar situation that can provide some much needed support and encouragement on how to proceed from here. The hospital has been great and is putting palliative support in place but it would be great if I could share experiences and have some expectations on what to expect moving forward.

Good luck to everyone on the same journey

  • Hello 

    Good to hear from you 

    so glad you are getting away with your husband and dog sounds lovely 

    I read a lot about better ways to look-after myself I think it’s about doing my best for myself and learning new things like cooking different foods and nitration helps me feel like I have some control x  

    we just have to show up for ourselves dont we as for me if I let my mental health go and start thinking fear of dying I go to a dark place so I try and stay in the light and show up fro myself and my family x 

    please do keep in touch 

    enjoy your time away x 

    big hugs x 

  • Positive mental attitude is definitely key for us, I do a lot of meditation and affirmation work, alongside working hard on nutrition. I’m in a good place mentally thankfully. 

    the fight is mental too, and it’s good you are able to keep focussed on that. Sounds like we are of the same mindset.

    speak very soon, all the best to you xx

  • It does sound like we are quite a like I don’t know where I would be without my meditation and reading x 

    Enjoy x the suns out here x picture of my adorable car relaxing x 

  • Hi 

    How are you ? Hoping you enjoyed your time away x 

    I have been doing ok lost all my hair over the last 2 days trying to not allow it to upset me to much could be a lot worse I’ll most likely get a wig tomorrow
    Did you lose your hair ? 
    my head hurts a little bit all bearable x 

    sending lots of good energy your way x 

  • Hi, 

    How are you?  Sorry I’ve not been on here for a while. I kinda had a low month, and the steroids made me super grumpy and unsociable. I came off them but started getting pressure headaches every night, so I’m taking half a pill each morning for a week, then will see how I feel when I come off them Monday.

    i also lost my hair, but I’d lost it 3 years ago so was prepared for it. I have 2 wigs, but prefer my scarves.

    im just waiting for surgery on right lower leg next week, the cancer has eaten my cortex so at risk of fracture so I’m in a wheelchair for now. I had same earlier in year for my top right leg, had pins, rods and plates. Think my left lower leg is possibly going to end up the same.

    how are you doing?. Other than hair loss did you get any other side effects?  Do they have further treatment plans?.  Do you know when your mri will be?  Mine should be this month, I have to have brain mri, ct with thorax and full body bone. I’m hoping they show the chemo working. 

    speak soon, take care.


  • Hello Sharon 

    lovely to hear from you 

    sorry to hear you have been going through a rough time. I came of the steroids 10 days after my WBR they were effecting my sleep glad I am of them for now 

    I hope you are able to come of them soon 

    I kept my hair since my diagnosis 3 years ago so all new for me but like you I like the scalfs better after day 2 of so much hair coming out I was like shave it of to my partner I feel better for it and to be honest it’s the least of my problems I need to focus on living and not being depressed about things I can’t control I have been lucky to have my hair for the 3 years I did have it … it may grown back who knows 

    I have got MRI for brain scan on 6th October so hopefully it shows it’s cleared or all my right leg seems to be working better I am not needing the stick like before I had the WBR I was using a stick as my balance was of so that is a good sign 

    I really do hope your surgary goes ok and you heal quickly there is not words is there I hate it when people say u r strong I ain’t good at words but u r in my thoughts sending lots of healing energy your way x good to hear from you sharon x 

  • It’s lovely to hear back from you.  I must admit I felt so much better in myself when I stopped taking the steroids too, but was worried the pressure was brain swelling so just giving myself this week and will see if it happens after I stop them. Did you find you were eating constantly, but didn’t have hunger as such, just needed to eat lol. 

    I got my daughter to shave rest of my hair off as kept finding is everywhere. I’ve got stubble on my head but there’s no obvious signs of it growing except at nape of my neck. I think last time with the chemo it took about 6-8 weeks before I noticed it, hopefully it’s the same for wbr.

    reslly happy to hear your balance is improved, it’s also trusting that you’ll be ok to not have to use walking aids. I haven’t been able to do that since March. I’m happy if I get back to stick though, hopefully I’ll join you in that soon. 

    after the blip in my mood, which my oncologist did warn me I might get, I do feel much more positive again, especially as I now know the surgery is almost here. We’ve had to cancel our little week away from next Saturday, but they’ll be plenty of time for that once I’m up and about.

    its good to hear you’re looking at it from a positive aspect too, like you say, we have our lives and we need to live them and enjoy it as much as we can.

    thank you for taking the time to talk with me, it really helps to know there’s someone going through it with me, even though i definitely wish you were not.

    have a fabulous weekend xx

  • I don’t think I told u I foster kittens for a animal rescue so I have had 4 brothers for the last 3 weeks this has really helped me my sister has taken 2 of them which I am so happy about and my neice is over the moon the other 2 will likely be adopted in the next week or so I’ll send u a picture they are so adorable x do you have any pets ? 

  • omg they’re adorable!  How can anyone be sad when there are kittens involved eh?  So glad 2 have already got their forever homes.  We have 2 goldfish, 2 cats and our 18mth old Red Fox Whiskey.

    i can’t wait to walk him again. 

    that’s so selfless of you to foster, you’re giving them a proper chance at life. Xx

  • Adorable Sharon I want a dog but not got the space x speak soon let me know how your surgery  u will be in my thoughts x u got this x