Stage IV breast cancer with brain mets

  • 41 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi Everyone, Unfortunately I am joining the group that nobody wants to belong to. I was diagnosed with Stage IIIb IDC ER8, PR0, HER neg in March this year and underwent lumpectomy and wide local excision in May and re-excision in June. 5/13 lymph nodes were cancerous. I started EC x3 in August to be followed by Docetaxel x3 not without problems. Cycle 1 saw a PICC line infection and clots so PICC line removed and Hickman inserted. Cycle 2 saw my BP plummet so I was forever passing out and became dehydrated. Cycle 3 I suffered neutropenic sepsis and was in hospital for 10 days, 2 days after cycle 4 I had a headache that wouldn’t go with painkillers and then started vomiting. After a further trip to A&E and an MRI scan I have was told last week that cancer has metastised to my brain and I have several large tumours both sides. I saw the oncologist on Monday and she is convinced that this spread before I had lumpectomy.

Everything has happened very quickly and I am still trying to process this information. I am having Hickman line removed tomorrow, all further chemo has now stopped on my breast and I am undergoing whole brain radiotherapy next week. I am managing pain with dexamethasone, morphine and have started Letrozole

Is there anyone on the forum in a similar situation that can provide some much needed support and encouragement on how to proceed from here. The hospital has been great and is putting palliative support in place but it would be great if I could share experiences and have some expectations on what to expect moving forward.

Good luck to everyone on the same journey

  • Thank you. And yes, they take up loads of space and time! But he’s good company for me being stuck home everyday. I’ll let you know how my surgery goes next week. 
    sending positive energy your way xx