Ribociclib (Kisqali) and anti depressants

  • 3 replies
  • 31 subscribers

I got some antidepressants from the doctor yesterday to help with my anxiety but I had a very bad reaction this morning after taking the first one. The GP prescribed Citalopram.

Anyone had similar issues?

  • Hello, funny I should see this today because I got a call earlier from my GP about taking citalopram (which I've been on for a few years) and ribociclib (which I started 10 days ago): she told me to stop it, as both affect the heart and so you could get "double-trouble".

    I was already on the way down, so I decided to stop, but she said that there are other types of anti-depressants you can take. I suggest you go back to your GP, do they know you're on ribo?

  • Thank you so much for your reply. It’s reassuring to know that’s what caused my ‘incident’. I am seeing my Onc tomorrow so will get my heart checked out and see which antidepressant he recommends.

    Thanks again.

  • Hi I too was on citalopram for many years and found them the only one that helped me. However when I started ribociclib I was told to stop citalopram and they changed it to sertraline as there was a bad interaction between citalopram and ribociclib. However since being on sertraline I've found them not as good for me as citalopram and I also checked drug checker who also said that sertraline had interactions with ribociclib. Giving me further anxiety. Of course I mentioned this to the oncologist who said it was their preferred choice of anti depressant and to take it. X