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  • 34 subscribers

I have SBC on my lung. Have been having Phesgo injections for 3 years. 6 months ago and I was told "still no evidence of disease" at scan time.

I have just had my next 6 monthly scan and before being given any results from my oncologist have I have received a call from the hospital booking me in for an unexpected  bone scan. Now I'm panicking! 

Why on earth don't oncology ring and tell you what's going on before booking further tests. I'm so scared but also cross at the way things are handled.

  • Personally I'd be ringing them up and asking, It really shouldn't be done this way as it just causes anxiety.

    The oncologist should give you your results first, then arrange any other scans.

    That said, as this isn't what's happened, perhaps it's just a routine scan that's been added?