Doctor Appointments

  • 6 replies
  • 32 subscribers

I have secondary breast cancer to my bones.

Do any of you see your Oncology Team for regular appointments. 

I just have a prescribing nurse phone me every month prior to my next drugs being issued.

If I did want to discuss anything I could contact the breast nurse consultant.

I feel a bit side lined.

Just wondering what other people experience. 


  • Hi Luppie

    I see my oncologist every 3 months for CT results & check up, I can contact my BCN anytime & if necessary she will make an appointment for consultant to see me. xx 

  • Thank you for reply.

    I get scans every 3 months too.

    I just wondered what the norm was on seeing team.

  • I have secondary cancer in my liver. I am in a different situation as I had an immunotherapy related adverse event last September and am still being monitored and managed through the consequences of that. I have to get a blood test done every 2 weeks and then have an appointment with oncology. Usually a virtual appointment but sometimes onsite. 

  • Hi Luppie

    I have ct scans every 3 months and an appointment with one of the oncology consultants too, usually to discuss results of the scan. I’m also dealing with rheumatoid arthritis so if I’m not too mobile and flaring  I ask for a phone call appointment which helps. I have macmillan nurses who I can call if I’m concerned and as I’m on an inhibitor called palociclib I get monthly blood tests.

  • Thank you for reply.

    I get bloods every 4 weeks as on Ribociclib. 

    I would be happy with a telephone slot.

  • I hope you recover from the adverse reaction soon.

    Good they are keeping a close eye on you.