Mestases in liver from breast cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 33 subscribers

I've just been diagnosed with a 2.3 cm tumour in my liver and a number of smaller ones.

I was overwhelmed on the day of the consultation . The lump was found quite be chance during a lung CT in october.

I've had MRI and the biopsy 2 weeks ago. Results next week.

I don't understand why I can't have surgery, chemo or radiotherapy. Won't the liver regenerate?

I've been given little inforvreprognosus other than it is life limiting. 

Can anyone help with these questions please. Thanks

  • I am sorry you are in this situation and that you don’t have a treatment plan at the moment. Hopefully there will be more information when you get your results next week. I don’t think it’s usual to offer surgery for liver mets particularly if there are multiple tumours. Chemo and/or immunotherapy would depend on the biopsy and your overall health. 

  • Thanks so much for that info. I feel totally impotent without the answers. They've started me on a hormone treatment though. 

    I'm so glad I logged in thankyou