Mestases in liver from breast cancer

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I've just been diagnosed with a 2.3 cm tumour in my liver and a number of smaller ones.

I was overwhelmed on the day of the consultation . The lump was found quite be chance during a lung CT in october.

I've had MRI and the biopsy 2 weeks ago. Results next week.

I don't understand why I can't have surgery, chemo or radiotherapy. Won't the liver regenerate?

I've been given little inforvreprognosus other than it is life limiting. 

Can anyone help with these questions please. Thanks

  • I am sorry you are in this situation and that you don’t have a treatment plan at the moment. Hopefully there will be more information when you get your results next week. I don’t think it’s usual to offer surgery for liver mets particularly if there are multiple tumours. Chemo and/or immunotherapy would depend on the biopsy and your overall health. 

  • Thanks so much for that info. I feel totally impotent without the answers. They've started me on a hormone treatment though. 

    I'm so glad I logged in thankyou

  • Hi Julie, I was diagnosed with liver mets 18 months ago and remember the hell waiting for a formal diagnosis and a treatment plan. Mine took 5 weeks after being rushed into A abd E with a gall bladder infection (which was unrelated) but the scan showed masses on my liver.  Once you get your treatment plan you will feel a little better I promise. I’ve been on a targeted drug for 18 months and I’m still stable. Side effects have been rough at times (but overall manageable) but once I got my head around it , I left work and went on lots of holidays. I’m hoping there will be many more this year! One of my tumours was 9.5 cms! It’s now 5 and stable along with a smaller one. I know my next scan may not be stable but there’s still more treatment options. It did take me about 3 months to get my head around it and I still have down days but I’m determined to live life to the full which I’m sure you will do too when you’re ready. Lots of hugs xx

  • Just to add, I wasn’t given any treatment until after results of the biopsy as this tells what type of BC it is (it can change from the primary BC) which determines which drug they will give you. Good luck xx

  • Hi. That is so reassuring. I was only thinking this morning that if I had not had pneumonia and a CT in Oct they wouldn't have found it and I'd still be oblivious! 

    I'm keeping very busy and as it's my 70 th this year we have lots of happy things coming up. 

    Your story is so positive. You are inspiring me to think that it's an issue I can fight and drugs etc to help. 

    Thankyou so much xxx

  • Hello, I've been told that the ultrasound scan I had for gallbladder stones being suspected has showed up highly suspicious areas for metastatic breast cancer in liver. I've since had a CT scan and I'm anxiously awaiting to hear. I feel in limbo too as don't know what I'm dealing with or what my options are there. Wishing you get your results and a plan soon. The waiting is awful x

  • I'm not normally a stress person but it's true the waiting is the worst 

    Second time I had breast cancer I waited almost a month then 1.5 hours in waiting room to see the consultant. I was so stressed I collapsed.

    I know some people don't have the support I have but I feel my choices of hearing by phone or waiting are removed.

    I would prefer to be given the choice that know other people know the answers and I have to wait!

    I wish you well on your journey. Guess it's MRI with the dye next? 

    Keep in touch x

  • I’m so glad my story has helped you during such a stressful time.  I felt the same about my gall bladder, even though I went through hell with that a few months later (that’s another story!) , I really believe that it would have been in several places if not for that. I still can’t believe I was told no recurrence every year for 5 years when tumours were growing on my liver but they don’t do Cat Scans, just a mammogram on the other side! RageAnyway, I’m sure you’ll be able to enjoy your special  birthday and all the nice things planned! Take care xx

  • Hi, They did an ultrasound on my gall bladder first but were pretty sure the mass was inflammation at so you never know , they could be wrong. I‘m not  trying to get your hopes up but I don’t think the ultrasound is as clear as CAT. They only did a CAT scan on me as a precaution due to my history. They weren’t even sure with the CAT scan! So the biopsy confirmed it in the end. I know it’s so stressful though but I’m sure you will also get your head around it if it’s not a positive outcome . There are also new drugs being approved all the time and trials. Good luck! Xx

  • Thanks, Still waiting but breast cancer nurse to phone me tomorrow. I might know a bit more then. I think I might get a biopsy next. 

    I think it would be good if patients got an annual CT scan. An annual mammogram seems so inadequate as it seems like metastatics aren't often found until we are having symptoms.

    Julie a, 1 1/5 hours in a waiting room to see the consultant was awful. No wonder you were so stressed.

    Good wishes to everyone xx