Who’s still on first line treatment and still doing well?

  • 17 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Like to hear stories of ladies still on first line treatment after being diagnosed with secondary breast cancer and are living life to full? Love to you all.. your all amazing Heart

  • Hello Lindz, I’m on first Line treatment and living a good life. I love life which always helps. The first year after diagnosis was a bumpy one with some horrible side effects but with some advocating and delving from me I’m now back on track with meds that cause me less side effects. I also remind myself that a bad day doesn’t mean a bad week. It’s important we look after ourselves mentally and physically as I think it’s small elements of lots of things that make a life to embrace. Love to all the secondary sisters x

  • Hello thank you for your reply, hope your having a lovely day, when was you diagnosed and what treatment do you have xxx

  • I was diagnosed in April 2021 with a prognosis of 6-12 months. Fortunately that was wrong. Treatment 
    Palbociclib and letrozole.

    Can I ask the same to you too? 

  • I was diagnosed in October 22 I had 18weeks of chemotherapy and I’m on a targeted therapy called phesgo every 3 weeks xxx

  • I hope you continue to do well on your treatment and are grabbing life with both hands while you can. Have a lovely day Blush x

  • How is your Phesgo treatment going Lindz?

    I have just been told my bloods are low so I need vitamin D supplements, have you experienced this?

    This is my first of Phesgo on its own.

  • No I’ve never experienced this hope you’re bloods come back up soon so you an have your treatment xxx

  • Hi

    just wanted to share my updates to give everyone some hope aswell ! I’m in the first line of treatment and doing so well, had chemo feb 22 finished in Aug 22 started on phesgo injections when chemo started in feb 22, I get regularly scans and heart scans make sure everything is coping and so far so good, all stable and no change, my mind wanders many a time to being sad but I’m not wasting time being sad anymore as I feel like the disease is winning, this way I’m winning I’m staying positive I’m doing everything as if I don’t have it and the treatment is doing it’s job I could be stable like this for many years and after this treatment there’s another 5/6 options anyway so positive positive vibes to everyone 

  • Hi Everyone, I have been on Phesgo and Letrozole since finishing chemo in Feb 22. My 4 monthly scans have shown the treatment to be working so I feel mostly positive with only the odd wobble. I have just taken early retirement so that I can fit in more holidays around my 3 weekly injections. Wishing you all a great day xx

  • Great view to living Lindz it’s the only way to beat this disease!