Piqray and fulvesnt

  • 22 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hi all. I have just started Piqray with Fulvesnt (think that is how you spell it)  So far the side effects are fairly mild apart from the fatigue which has been relentless this last few days. I don't think there is many people on it as you need to have a certain mutation in the cancer, its something to do with the HER. But I would love to know if there is anyone having this treatment and how your getting on with it. 


  • Hi

    I'm not on either of these drugs but I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list where it might be more easily spotted.

    I've searched the group for previous posts which mention Piqray and fulvestrant but only found one for the former. However, I have found these for the latter which you could have a look through.

    Wishing you all the best


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thank you. Heart️ 

    Lils x
  • Hi, I’m having a face to face with my consultant next week to sign consent forms, I qualify for the drug as I have the PIK3CA mutation? All new to me this will be my 2nd line treatment, so hopefully will not have too many side effects, hope you are well so far on it x x 

  • Hi 

    Glad to hear that you qualify for the drug but it's  who is on the drug not me. I've tagged her so she'll see your message.

    Wishing you all the best 


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi. Yes I've been on it a month almost. Not too many side effects. I got a big bruised on my bottom when I had the first injections but I think if it's going to work it will be a short price to pay. I'm also now diabetic, I'm getting used to keeping my blood levels good. Again a small prise to pay if its going to work. Fingers crossed for you. X

    Lils x
  • That’s good to know, thanks I will let you know when I start and how I get on x x 

  • Yes it would be good to see how you get on. And chat to someone who is on the same treatment.    Blush xx

    Lils x
  • Hope you are doing ok, I signed consent forms yesterday, they said I will start on the 6th December to coincide with my injections so fingers crossed, hope you are ok I’ll keep you posted x Blush 

  • I seem to be OK on this drug, I'm diabetic now but they think I was before so don't really think it was the piqray. I'm managing it well so I'm not too bothered about it. Scan at the end of December will tell if it is working. 

    Good luck for the 6th. 

    Lils x
  • Hey, just wondering how you are I’m on day five so far no issues no side effects yet, got to go for bloods Tuesday as monitoring my blood sugar levels, I’ve been taking with my evening meal and getting best nights sleep ever had for a while x x Rosie