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I live in Scotland and was given a list of places to get a wig. I wondered if anyone on here could recommend any of the places on the list?

  • Hi CKb82

    I do not live in Scotland so do not know any of these. 

    However I would think it would be the Maggies centre or the Beatson centre that I would try first. 

    When I had my wig fitting it was done at my hospital by someone who used to be a nurse and had experience of alopecia herself. She also wore a wig. Because she specialised in cancer patients she had a lot of understanding. She had a hairdresser with her that would trim the wig to how you liked it. 

    The Maggies centre would also be able to give you access to other support and they are well know for being really helpful for all cancer needs. 

    Losing your hair to cancer treatment can be really challenging and if you feel you would like to talk to someone, please do give the Support Line a call.

    I hope that your treatment goes well.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi I'm meeting the Oncologist next week then going by my calculations, think will start Chemo at the end of April at the Beatson.  Don't know when you're due to start treatment but I can let you know about them if/when I'm offered as it would probably be my first choice.  I'm assuming I would be offered it too.  The Maggie's centre there doesn't appear on your list so must just be the Beatson around that area.

  • Hi, thanks for the information. The maggie’s centre is on the list. It’s under another name “Brown” at Monklands. That’s where I meet my consultant. I told the nurse today I would pick another place which is closer to where I live but I didn’t think about Maggies being more specialised in dealing with cancer patients. Maybe I can call the nurse tomorrow and change it. 
    I went to Maggie’s after my first appointment with the consultant and they were really helpful. They gave me a box of resources to help explain things to my children. 

    • Hi sorry I meant the Maggie's centre at the Beatson isn't on the list but that's probably because they already have it at the Beatson itself. I understand there's a few appointments to attend before starting chemo so probably convenient to pop in whilst at the same place. That's helpful about being given info to help explain to children, I downloaded Mummy's lump and read that to my 6 year old but I might try visiting them too. Thanks Y