Should I have chemotherapy?

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Hello there, I've found myself in a very confusing situation. Having had a lumpectomy and re-incision for IDC (Level 1, Grade 3) I am now in discussions regarding follow up treatment. Both my Oncotype (21) and K167 (20%) results are borderdline for chemo prior to radio and immunotherapy - in a way, it would be easier if both results had been more decisive so that I could just get on with it one way or the other! So, I am weighing up the pros and cons.....have any of you out there found yourselves in this predicament? There is no way to sugar coat the side effects of chemo but I can't decide whether the 8% improvement in the chance of the cancer not recurring is worth the risk?......I am in a real quandry...any advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you x

  • I think I was in a similar situation to you. Grade 3.   No Lymph  involvment and no spread.  My tumor score was just over the limit for NOT needing chemo.. I also have another health condition which made the oncologist a bit 'cautious' about chemo, but it was all very patient centred and finally the decision was mine, supported by the oncologist, not to have chemo partly because there was a new drug on the horizon.. Anyway, I was prescribed anastrazole and zolandronic acid which I have tolderated well. At the time of making decision not to have chemo I was told there was a new drug about to be licensed for use in a more peventative way, but not a lot more info. I should have persisted and questioned more but I was still in a way processing the diagnosis and surgery and not in the best place to make difficult decisions. I just wanted to feel well again. The new drug turns out to be ribociclib which has just been licensed in the UK for use for primary breast cancer, to be taken for 3 years with similar side effects to chemo (not sure its on NHS yet).  I am now being encouraged to take it.  If I had known everything I know now (almost a year after my mastectomy) at the time, I would have had chemo  - it would have been 12 months or so from treatment to full recovery. There was a slight risk, but at any sign of a problem they would have simply stopped chemo. I am now faced with 3 years of chemo like symptoms - hair loss, fatigue and a weakend immune system.  This is just my experience and feelings at my age and life circumstances. What you decide has to be right for you, at your age, your family circumstances, lifestyle etc. etc. Just keep asking questions. Take care and I wish you every bit of good luck there is