Hello, I have my results appointment tomorrow. Waiting has been hard but I will be glad to understand the Tumor better. I have hormone positive IDC 2cm Grade 2. I am post menopause and am expecting positive results/good news.
No pressure on the surgeon/BC but I want to hear clear margins, no spread, low risk of reoccurence and minimal invasive treatment. Based on the fact of my age, 55, early stage (detected on screening) and the specialist saying it is easily treated.
It was low posterior position too so I was very lucky it was seen. My excision scar is under the breast so not visible, so again I was very lucky there. SLNB under arm. Will I be pushing my luck a 3rd time or will it be a case of 3rd time lucky.
It is all in the hands of the big man
Are my hopes too high or is this normal? How do/did you manage your expectation of post surgery results ?
I think your attitude is great. I too have my results appointment tomorrow. I had a bilateral mastectomy and sentinel lymph nodes removal just under 4 weeks ago.
I think I'll take some of your positivity and 'will' the consultant to say that my lymph nodes were clear, so no further removal or chemo needed, just the preventative radiotherapy I already know I'll need.
All the best! x
Hi Mrs Cor10
My cancer was found by ‘luck’ as I went for a lump in right armpit which turned out to be nothing but when examined a lump was found in my left which I had no clue about. I had a similar diagnosis to yours and, same as you, thought rationally the outcome after surgery was likely to be good based on what had been said by my surgeon.
My results appointment was four weeks after surgery and I felt completely fine, as if it had never happened. My scar is discreetly tucked underneath like yours and I went to the appointment comfortably wearing my underwire bra after going weight lifting and running during the previous couple of weeks. Life was back to normal and I was happy and I wanted/expected it to stay that way. I then had a bit of a wobble when I walked into the hospital because I thought have I got away with all of this too easily? Is now the time for my luck to run out? Will I now have to face things like a “real” cancer patient? Bizarre thinking, I know. Thankfully not, and my results were as good as I could have hoped for.
I hope your results are good too. But, in the event it doesn’t quite go to plan, your attitude will help you face whatever lies ahead. Best of luck tomorrow. x
My positivity and power of logical analysis paid off. No spread and clear margins. Low reoccurence rate, therefore no further surgery and no need for chemotherapy. As I had maintained Mammograms and my tumor was hormone related and I am post menopause it made sense for the outcome to be a positive one. I am pleased, but what I didn't like was the brick wall I hit the following day. I was fatigued and soo emotional. The last 8 weeks from call back to final results has been a whirlwind and I must have been running on pure cortisol. As soon as I had the result I felt very confused and overwhelmed by it all. I couldn't understand the terror I had been through for it to be then over. I still have radiotherapy to face, but in all honesty you hear "you have cancer" your world falls apart as you don't understand the ins and outs of a diagnosis, and then told all is well and they move you on to Oncology department. I feel like a fake. I am probably not explaining myself properly as it is hard to breakdown the thoughts and emotions. I think of all the true breast cancer warriors their journeys, some of which have been harsh and I now feel like I have got of with a detention! Xx
I am so pleased to hear you have had good results! That’s brilliant!
It’s a lot to go through and I understand that feeling of it almost being an anticlimax when you get good results. Odd to say, I know. You almost think “but it’s cancer, surely it must have to be more difficult than that?!” while also being pleased and not wanting it to have to be more. Those are confusing and conflicting emotions, no wonder you felt overwhelmed.
You’re not a fake. I recall feeling almost embarrassed saying what my treatment and recovery was like which was a walk in the park when compared to people who have had a truly awful time. I recall something my boss said when I spoke to her about it and she told me “it’s not a competition, and if it was it’s one you don’t want to win” and that really stuck with me. Yes, my experience has been comparatively easy, but I don’t feel bad about that any more, I’m simply grateful that I have been able to put it behind me and get back to living and loving my normal, yes normal, life. I hope with a little bit of time you will be able to put it all behind you too.
Best of luck with everything moving forward. x
So pleased to hear your good news! Do you need follow up HT treatment at all?
Frustratingly, my results have been delayed so I didn't get then (not sure why; Consultant said possibly due to the fact I had IDC in one breast and ILC in the other so more complicated ). However, he is confident they'll come this week, so I've everything crossed that they arrive in time for the team meeting and that I will find out next week. So need to keep those positive vibes a bit longer.
I completely get how you are feeling. Whilst I've found my recovery and mental health better than I could have hoped for so far, I have realised that I'm still in my bubble...regular contact with BCN and surrounded by friends & family all looking after me. When I had to pop out into the big wide world yesterday, I felt anxious, like I'm not quite ready for this 'new' me to go back to my old life and work etc yet. It's thrown me a bit, as surely that's exactly what I should want??
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