Scar opened and delay to radiotherapy

  • 2 replies
  • 278 subscribers

Hi all, has anyone got any experience of radiotherapy with recently healed scar? About 4 1/2 weeks post op I overstretched and felt a pop - caused me loads of issues - pain, numbness, tingling etc but BCN dismissive (I don’t have a key worker as she is on long term sick so everyone is overworked) - finally after over 2 weeks managed to get it checked this week (day before my radiotherapy was due to start) and turns out about 1cm of my scar was open and infected - it was opened a little more to be cleaned and is now steri stripped and dressed. I am being rechecked next Weds and my treatment needs to be delayed. 
I am worrying about delayed radiotherapy and also about starting radiotherapy if scar is not fully healed. How ‘healed’ does it need to be? Am feeling confused and worried. How long is it ok for R/T to be delayed for? 
thanks for any advice X 

  • Hi  , in my case I was initially told that radiotherapy would be 6 weeks after my op, but in the end I only got the oncologist appointment after 5 weeks, then Christmas and new year came along so I actually started rads 10 weeks after the op. I was anxious about the gap but also glad of the extra healing time as I had a large haematoma which took time to resolve. Others may know more about ‘recommended’ time gaps, but I’d certainly want to be healed ‘enough’ before rads. Sorry you have this extra worry. Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Thanks for replying and sharing. I think it will be 9 or 10 weeks for me too - hopefully not more and I agree it needs to be healed as may trigger more problems if it isn’t. 

    I am already anxious as my first surgery was 7 weeks before my second and that is the only time that there was a check for cancer spreading although more invasive tumour was found at second op… 

    everything seems to make me worried that these delays will stop the treatments getting all the cancer. 

    hope you are doing well xx